Friends in this hobby world we partake in.

Whispers's Avatar
Are there members you consider to be friends?

What do you base a friendship on as it relates to this hobby of ours?

What qualities fo you see in your friends or feel you show to others?
budman33's Avatar
I have several providers that I consider friends. My situation is unique though as I bought some tickets to a venue, then I couldnt go. i reached out here instead of Craigs list and ... Nearly every friday I get together for lunch and drinks with these providers, and hobbiests alike. always new people, and lots of new ladies.

I consider all the ladies I've met as friends. Their day job is a hell of a lot more interesting than mine. I'm pretty sure they all think I've fucked every other one of them so that makes for an interesting dynamic.

as far as qualifying goes, as long as your respectful, interesting, and I my internal brain meter doesnt go, "wow, i see no redeeming values in you and I hope we never cross paths again" ... then I'm pretty open to friendship with hobbiest and provider alike. this little corner of the world isn't so much different from any other.

just depends, some people you want to fuck, some people you want to be friends, Ideally if we have both in our lives off this board, we might not be ON this board. imo of course.
Coming from the biker world, a Brother is someone who has bleed and/or cried with you, will sell anything he owns to raise your bail, and will watch out for your ole' lady while you are away as if you were right there with him.

A friend is someone you trust to do whatever it takes to find a Brother so that your back is covered. You have had an ongoing relationship of some type leading you to believe you can trust him/her to a point, but he doesn't know where the bodies are buried.

By contrast, few who give priority to the desires of the little head can muster to either status. It would take more than hobby info exchange to get there. However, several of the ladies have achieved it through mutual trust of matters in our real life. If it is hobby appointment only, and never the real world, I can't call that friendship. With that said, I have many, many friends, in and out of the hobby. I value each immensely. I can count my Brothers on one hand.
Well Whispers, thanks to this site and reading your posts....

If we were to ever cross paths.....

There would be times I like to buy ya a beer, and other times I'd like to pour a
beer over ur head, lol.

It's an interesting world, this hobby of ours. Full of interesting characters and
somewhat of a melting pot of individual personalities.

Guess that's what makes it fun and interesting!
austinkboy's Avatar
Friendship is about caring, trust, honesty and loyalty. Friendship is about accepting our differences and liking somewhat in spite of their flaws, and knowing someone considers you a friend in spite of your shortcomings. Friendship is about being there when he or she needs you, and when you can count on them to help you up when you hit the pavement. Friendship is about being able to call your buddy at 12:00 midnight to see where the actions is?
I have several friends in the hobby. I would trust one of them with my life. I take my friendships very seriously, so I can only count on one hand the true friends I have in or out of the hobby. I thought I had a few "sisters" in the hobby, but was sorely dissapointed. I feel I'm a great friend, and would be there in a heartbeat for those hobby friends I have. But, once I'm wronged I don't stick around. I cut all ties and move on. There are a lot of good folks in the Hobby, but due to the nature of this business we all tend to keep our defenses up. The guys I'm friends with here are all ones I don't or haven't seen Bcd except one. And even though a lot of girls dissapointed me I would still help them out if they were in trouble if I could.
I have heard that a friend is someone that when you pass away they delete your phone and computer for you asap!

I have several people I believe are friends. I have one bestie. I consider Budman33 one. (Sorry I haven't made lunch the last couple times but I will be back in Atown for this one)

I define friends as someone that I can call for lunch or a drink. We can hang out and laugh. Know eachother well. Trust our friendship to be something respected. If I'm down or lonely I can call them and we will meet up somewhere and forget all the worries.

My bestie is Roxanne. I tust her with my life and my sons too. I can call her from out of town and ask her to take my son to the dentist and without any issue she did. I would inturn do the same for her. When I was sick she was there with soup. Vice versa. That's a bestie IMO.
Whispers's Avatar
Friendship is about being able to call your buddy at 12:00 midnight to see where the actions is? Originally Posted by austinkboy
I almost didn't take that call the other night.
Ms Francisca's Avatar
Interesting topic Whisp

As in any business, developing frienships with customers creates a return clientele generating a steady income.
I agree with that...I think things should be kept friendly and cordial but not overly familiar...when a lady starts calling the men who pay for her TEMPORARY company real life friends then boundaries can get blurred and someone on one side of the arrangement or the other is bound to get taken advantage of(sometimes the girl gets suckered into giving away time and sometimes the guy ends up spending an awful lot more money than he originally intended to help his "friend"). Things then tend to get messy, feelings get hurt and depending on the level of maturity of those involved serious drama can occur...professionals take care to avoid that kind of complication while giving as genuine an intimate encounter as can occur under whatever the circumstances are.

Interesting topic Whisp

As in any business, developing frienships with customers creates a return clientele generating a steady income. Originally Posted by Ms Francisca
Maybe that's why in my world, different terms of Friend or Brother are used. Brother being a much deeper commitment than the conventional use of the term friend. One old saying used to illustrate is "I'll sacrifice for a friend, I'll sacrifice YOU for a brother."

"Friend" is thrown around so casually now, that "Acquaintance of mine" is taken almost as an insult. From my time in NOLA, referring to somebody as "a friend of ours" conveyed they were in the business, and could be trusted.

Whispers, sometimes you do accidently throw out a gem of introspection! Good topic.
budman33's Avatar
I had a friend borrow my dog to go pick up chicks, lose my dog, find my dog the day before it was to be euthanized.

crazy bastard didn't tell me, but instead broke into the pound with a set of Boltcutters and broke my dog out. That's a friend, and an idiot.

hmm but he wasn't a provider or a hobbiest, so .. umm nm
squiretuck's Avatar
I believe I have friends in the hobby world, guys for sure. The girls; while I wish I could be personal friends with them, I must always realize they are business friends. That is not to say they are not great gals; the ones I know are fantastic. Just had an awesome time with a new business friend last Thursday. Holy f*ck*ng cow! She wore my old azz out good! I will try to get a review posted if I can get more sneaky time than I currently got.
  • Vyt
  • 05-31-2011, 09:52 PM
I have a lot of women I'm friendly with in the hobby. But it's hard to say they're friends. There's always the "time = money" thing going on. It's a lot easier to be friends if you're not seeing them BCD and they know that's not going to happen - then it's just friends hanging out without the "is he going to" "am I going to" "is he using me" "is she trying to play me" dynamic going on. If you're into that sort of mindfuckery, strip clubs give you that experience for considerably less!
Whispers's Avatar
Maybe that's why in my world, different terms of Friend or Brother are used. Brother being a much deeper commitment than the conventional use of the term friend. One old saying used to illustrate is "I'll sacrifice for a friend, I'll sacrifice YOU for a brother."

"Friend" is thrown around so casually now, that "Acquaintance of mine" is taken almost as an insult. From my time in NOLA, referring to somebody as "a friend of ours" conveyed they were in the business, and could be trusted.

Whispers, sometimes you do accidentally throw out a gem of introspection! Good topic. Originally Posted by ThatHarleyGuy
I use the term acquaintance quite a bit actually to describe people I know from the Hobby World..... But I do think of some here as friends.....

Interesting responses so far...