A Day on the Lake

Whispers's Avatar
Please email boatsontravis@yahoo.com with your interest so we can build a list.

Please let us know.....

1) If you have a boat
- if so how many does it accommodate:
- how is it equipped? i.e. pleasure, ski, wakeboard, tubing

2) If you are willing to rent a boat
- What would your budget be?
- What experience do you have in operating boats?
- What type of boat would you be interested in renting?

3) If you can operate a boat but are not interested in incurring the expense
- What experience do you have in operating boats?

4) If you are willing to contribute to the expenses involved (boats drink gas and gas is expensive)
- Will you share in renting a boat or contribute towards Gas?
- How much are you willing to contribute?

5) IF you can't / won't be able to contribute in any manner but want to come anyway

Answers will be used to enter into negotiations with one of the watercraft rental places as well as to pair up skills and contributors.

ANY AND ALL Interested should email .... We will scan the thread but planning will occur and invites will go to only those that email their interest.

For those of you familiar with the lake....

- Would someone with a marine chart of the lake in digital format send them my way.

- Those familiar with the lake, if you know an area conducive to several boats of varying shapes and sizes converging and possibly shore side accommodations for a bar b qu / Picnic

Once again... We will scan the thread but please email so there is a single collection point out of site from prying eyes....

FWIW... I have coordinated a couple of similar events in South Florida while selling boats at a Marina.... I have operated boats up to 46 ft including go-fasts. Life in South Florida was a blast!

Additional needs...... I have a Donor that has offered to donate plenty of Alcohol for mixed drinks.... Anyone with connections to mixers, juices etc let me know..... Anyone with access to a portable Soda Stand with Ice Well?..... I can get CO2 and syrups donated as well I believe
NipLover's Avatar
I have many hours experience in driving boats of all sizes, up to about 35 or 36 feet. And I do not drink. Designated captain, anyone?
NipLover's Avatar
And I may even invite a lady, if she isn't on a list.
wzrainer's Avatar
Lake Travis is so low right now that even seasoned boaters are bottoming out in spite of their depth finders because the "sometimes islands" are unpredictable and many when we are at this level. The lake is over 30 feet below full and a total drag this year.

That said, Devil's Cove across from Carlos and Charlie's on the north shore is a deep cove that attracts the party crowd who like to tie up to each other and then do jello shots with cheap liquer. At least one person dies in that cove every year due to the depth of the lake, if you are drunk and fall off the boat, you'd better remember how to swim because even if someone sees you fall in, the chances of them being able to swim deep enough to grab you are slim to none, I can't swim 60 feet deep I know that.

Hippy Hollow is a clothing optional park with depth that will not fail you. It's on the cliffs side of the lake, very deep. But the naked folks you are bound to see are either gay men or either gender that's 3x's the size of your strippers. There is a place close to the shore to anchor and tie up if you want to see your female guests naked on a boat legally. In any case, the lake sucks this year and boaters are considering the boating season a total loss this year. The bacteria levels are also unpredictable during really low and really high lake levels so keep your eye on LCRA website before you take a swim. I'll be pulling my boat out of the water before my dock is beached and the ramps close. We are only a few feet away from Mansfield Dam being the only public ramp open. Carlos and Charlie's has already closed the restaurant to boating traffic due to the low lake level.

I suggest using Lake Austin or one of the lakes north of Travis (Marble Falls is constant level I believe) if you want to have a good boating experience this year. Happy boating.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Lake Travis is not all that bad. Two years ago it was down 50 feet. We are at the Hollow usually every Saturday and have no problem getting there from our marina. Just have to be careful rounding Windy Point. If you are going to Hippie Hollow mid-week, you won't find many, if any, boaters tied up. You'll have the place to yourselves. On a Saturday, you'll have a mix of gays and straights -- with the gays having the bigger boats! LOL. Last Saturday the boat line was full.

Sorry to hear that Carlos & Charlies is not accessible by water any more.
nuglet's Avatar
Remember, the intent and purpose of lake travis is not, and never was, recreational. it's for water/flood control and the farmers South of here. Having dived travis for 20+ years, it's better when the lake is low, Old farm houses, the original Mansfield supply depot, some wells, and grave sites are diveable when it's below 650' surface level. Even some good caves large enough to play in. But none big enough for a PARTY....
Emma Long Park on Lake Austin would be a great place. Protected from the winds, constant lake level, place to pull up boats, bbq, etc. I'm out on LA frequently so I might be a bit biased!
NipLover's Avatar
I was driving out alongside Lake Travis today and I can say I was very surprised as to how low it is already. But it is still very navigable. Especially if it were a weekday event, should be no problem getting to the areas mentioned. (Hippie Hollow or Devils Cove.)
snoopdogg's Avatar
Just let me know where and when to show up

I emailed and got no response so do we just to wait for the details to transpire or are we going to get an email back.
Ghosting's Avatar
On Lake LBJ right now and it is absolutely perfect.... I would not put in on Travis this year, Austin too busy nowadays.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
On Lake LBJ right now and it is absolutely perfect.... I would not put in on Travis this year, Austin too busy nowadays. Originally Posted by Ghosting
Not sure what you mean by "too busy" but we've been on Lake Travis the last 3 weekends and while our cove has had rather heavy traffic due to its excellent location for surfboarding, once out on the lake there has been almost no one. Several ramps are closed which may have something to do with it, and the water temperature is just getting comfortable (at least for me) for swimming.
Whispers's Avatar
at least 30 days away on this one folks.... send your emails and they will be noted
Sounds Fun!!!
  • Haley
  • 06-06-2011, 11:39 AM
Oh I love the lake.
I wanna go.