Bi Or Not To Be Bi

Lana Warren's Avatar
Ok, I'm totally out of my comfort zone on this one, so your opinion is gratefully appreciated!

I am been approached by one of my dear gentlemen friends about doing a double with a good provider friend who is bi! I am not bi! This will be my first double with lady and I'm not for sure if I am willing to do it!

My question to you is, when you schedule a double, does it make a difference to you if the ladies are bi or not? Is it better to have the ladies interact with each other? Or just you?
I do prefer if the ladies enjoy each others company as well as mine.It wouldn't be a deal breaker if they didn't but probably not as much fun either.
Go For It Lana. :-)
Guest101610-2's Avatar
Here's the secret... Ready?

If you move past all the titles we have for same sex and replace it with "The human Experience", it changes your view completely. It did for me.
pmdelites's Avatar
although how you feel about it makes a big difference, what is the guy's expectation about the encounter?? if you dont feel comfortable with what he is proposing, even if you adopt kayla's very reasonable and view-changing approach to it, then i would suggest you pass on the encounter.

it's better if all feel comfortable with each other and the situation. if anyone feels uncomfortable, it will come out in the encounter and probably make it that much less deliteful.

do what your heart is telling you. but be open to experiences.
Lana, your name came up yesterday in a conversation about bi-ness and I said that I didn't really know if you were or not.

I am SO 100% with Kayla here...stop labeling and you will feel much better.

I happen to like girls and I don't mean, IF she's this or IF she's that or IF we click. It's all good.

I have done doubles with ladies where we were VERY into each other and I have also done doubles where we just both focused on the gentleman at hand (so to speak).

If you aren't comfortable doing something, just don't do it. My guess is it will all be fine and you are over-thinking it. Just go with the flow and I'm sure you will be fine.

Give me a call, if you want and we can talk about it. By the way, you looked really hot Saturday and I would do you anytime! LOL! Love ya girlie!
tsrv4me's Avatar
I know what my advice would be .....LOL BUT it is a decision that only you can make.if you are uncomfortable in that situation then A NO is all you need to say has be fun and enjoyable for everyone involved ..if not it isnt much fun for any of you ...I"m sure he would take No for an answer or he isnt much of a guy .NO does mean NO .....But it could also be a life altering experience and one you enjoy for the rest of your life ..Who knows ????????????...T
Lana the same rules apply to having a female partner and those that apply to male partners. Do what you're comfortable with, don't do what you don't want to. Maybe you could just keep things light, some kissing and touching. My guess is your client will love it. But if you aren't comfortable, just focus on him. As much as he would like to see you two get it on, I doubt he'd enjoy himself if he knew you were uncomfortable.

Keep in mind. my advise is almost worth the paper it's written on.
pyramider's Avatar
The interaction is a must. If both just concentrate on me then the incredible pressure of having to not completely disappoint two women grows.
Lana, PM sent
Pretty Lady...Just follow your passion!
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Not to be selfish and I don't do doubles, but if I did I'd want both girls focused on me. I do understand from reading reviews about doubles that a lot of guys get off on hot girl-on-girl action. So even though I'm not into it, whatever works, works.
The thing is it is ALL good! If the ladies give ALL their attention to the gentleman, then he has a wonderful time!

If the ladies get into each other AND focus their attention on the gentleman, then he has a wonderful time!

If the ladies are so into each other that the gentleman gets left out except to watch, then I would think that should be discussed beforehand so he is NOT disappointed.

Lana, you are a smart and sensitive lady, you will do fine whatever happens, I am sure of it!
lgbsfu's Avatar
I agree with with tsrv4me if its not good for you it won't be good for all involved.
Just my 1/2 cents worth.
ForumPoster's Avatar
I am personally very bi. If another lady asked to participate was not .. that would make me pause and have direct discussion with her about her boundaries.

Very good point Lina. Perhaps you should just have a little chat with your doubles partner and tell her what you are/aren't comfortable with.

Like I said, I have been with ladies who were "into it" and ladies who weren't. It's much more relaxed if everyone is on the same page, comfortable and communicative.