Can Mainstream Acceptance Be Far Behind?

Social mores are always interesting to me. Of course the hobby (or world's oldest profession) is typically looked down on by the mainstream population. Naturally, those of us who play in this arena look at it a bit differently.

Last night, around midnight on my way home from the airport, I'm listening to the Plaboy Channel on Sirius. It was a re-play of a talk show from earlier in the day. On one of the breaks, there was a commercial. (Yes, even satellite has "sponsors" now.)

Two commercials ran...the first was for Ashley biggie. The next one was promoting The Erotic Review! Talk about a shocker. They bandied about a couple of well used abbreviations (DFK, GFE and one or two others I cant recall) in the spot, and it was actually well done. It was as shocking as the first time I heard characters curse on prime time.

I'm not sure the publicity is a good thing, but regardless, what a quantum leap. While mainstream acceptance is certainly not right around the corner, my guess is that the oldest profession may ease into our social mores over the years to come.

Satellite radio seems to be at the forefront when it comes to pushing the limits. It's amazes me how many differents veiws and lifestyles are found on satellite. Plus, since it's a subscription service you're only servicing the people that choose to be there which gives them some cover.
Merlin's Wand's Avatar
Maybe over many, many, many ,many years. The Bible-thumpers and republicans will go berserk at the mere mention of the possibility. Just note their reaction to gay marriage and legalizing/decriminalizing marijuana.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Please point out which Democrats are working to legalize the hobby? I may need to support one for a change, the last time I checked only the Libertarians were in favor of such things.
TER and Ashley Madison have been advertising on Howard Stern for a while now. Howard has even read TER reviews live on the air. A couple of them were from former Gov. Spitzer's call girl.

The owner of Ashley Madison has also been live on the studio and on the air with Howard since he has sponsored a couple of the live contest.

Maybe eccie should consider advertising there before Howard Stern retires and Sirius/XM goes under.......
Merlin's Wand's Avatar
Please point out which Democrats are working to legalize the hobby? I may need to support one for a change, the last time I checked only the Libertarians were in favor of such things.
Regards, Originally Posted by Iaintliein
No one is "working to legalize" it, not even the Libertarians (they may be fine with it, but they aren't jumping out to champion it). Not many are pushing decriminalization of drugs either. But it's the holier-than-everyone else crowd -- the same ones having conniption fits over gay marriage -- that would go completely nuts at the mere mention legalizing prostitution.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I tend to think that any move towards legalization is a long way off. But I would have said the same thing about gay marriage five or six years ago, too. Now, we may be on the verge of a 5-4 (or even 6-3) U.S. Supreme Court vote on that issue. Not sure which way it will come out, but the Judge's decision in the California Prop 8 case is very carefully tailored to appeal to Justice Kennedy's views on the subject. So you never know. I just hope I live a long time so I can watch what happens on this, any many other, evolving political issues.