BUSTED!! "Sky & Star"

Yeah, I know I know. Girls posting fake pics up on BP is hardly new and annoyingly common but when it's as obvious as this I just want to get the word out before anyone calls them. I didn't even have to do anything. No Google. No Tin-Eye. Nothing.

The pics are fake (what a shock). The brunette is a girl named "Sammi" that I have actually seen in Vegas. The blonde comes from the ads of another escort that I have not seen but have considered doing so. Her pics could even be fake who knows?

In any event. "Sky and Star" are using fake pics. Guaranteed.

On another note...

EVEN IF, the pics were real, seeing an escort duo when you don't know either escort is an extremely bad idea. The chances of a trick roll are increased exponentially. The opportunities they have to rip you off are endless both before, during and even after the session. It's really hard for you to pay attention to one before while your with the other. I can tell you stories from Vegas of duo trick rolls that would blow your mind. I had one buddy involuntarily donate an additional $900 over and above the money he agreed to pay.

This doesn't apply to already reviewed established providers obviously. Brighid and Jordan and doing doubles right now and Destiny has done doubles with Brighid as well. That's a situation I wouldn't worry about.