I saw the same ads Nicolet...I don't think it's a good idea...and if you're a provider that's been "ECCIE reviewed" and P*** verified,why are you advertising on BP?
Originally Posted by TiCobra
Sad to say but some guys aren't so computer savy, they dont have clue about this hobby they just hear about BP Backpage BP (their light bulb goes off with a few other things lol)
Backpage gets the most buzz in lots of cities, I advertise there , and depending on what city you are in Backpage is where to advertise.
I personally started there and know lots of people that have. Some only advertise on Backpage, and are reviewed on ECCIE/TER/& other places. There are still some good clients shopping on backpage believe it or not. Hell I've seen many porn stars even still advertise on Backpage.
But I do feel like you shouldnt put all the info on where your reviewed, but thats just MO, Maybe say reviewed, those that want to know will find the reviews or ask you about it.
If I ever put anything on BP it might be my P411 ID# but nothing else