Notes Page -
I would love to be able to make notes on a page as I am browsing a ladies profile. Perhaps on her profile page having a tab that says "my notes" after the pictures tab and the reviews tab. My preference would be that each girl have a notes section so that each note is specific to that particular girl as opposed to a general notes section which would be far less useful - it would be nice if while looking other places (reviews, pictures, ads, postings, etc.) a notes button would be able to pull up the notes section as a pop up. It would be a nice place to note that she doesn't do BBBJ or is CBJ only. That way as I am searching around I can remember why is it she isn't on my favorites llist?
Favorite Button -
It would be nice to be able to favorite ladies that appear to meet all my criteria by clicking a favorite button and putting her on my short list. And of course, you would then be able to pull up only your favorites as a search.
Watch Button -
also would be nice to have a watch button as well. Many girls change their menu, so the only reason I am not seeing her is she is CBJ, so I would put her on the watch list and note that I want to see if she changes her CBJ status. And, sometimes a new girl shows up and either doesn't provide enough information for you to make her a favorite or perhaps you just want to wait and see a few reviews come in before you favorite her, this too would be a good use of the watch button. So, from time to time you could search your watch list via the search screen and follow up on them.