The Obama/Holder war on white people.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Officer Wilson was found not be be in the wrong in the death of Michael Brown but the US Justice Department is still trying to get a grand jury to indict him because he is white.

How about that officer who acted "stupidily" at Harvard? Yes, white again.

Even white hispanics like George Zimmerman are put through the federal wringer after the local courts have ruled. White people are no longer safe from double jeopardy with Obama/Holder calling the shots.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
Do not forget about the voter intimidation by the New Black Panthers that went without charges.
Now if a couple of people dressed like Klansmen were to do the same........wooo weee Bob.
Although the thread title is a bit over the top, even Chuck Schumer realizes what is going down after Obama leaves office.

Anyone see those two Executive Orders published yet?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
For a change, JDIdiot posts a race-centered post about Obama. Any doubt who's posted the most such threads on ECCIE?

JDIdiot continues to seek a final solution for the White Man's Burden.

Now he'll start calling everybody else a racist!

Although the thread title is a bit over the top, even Chuck Schumer realizes what is going down after Obama leaves office.

Anyone see those two Executive Orders published yet? Originally Posted by gnadfly
Are you too fucking lazy to post them here, Turdfly?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 12-02-2014, 08:08 AM
Actually, though I have not counted, I would guess IIFFy has him beat.
Actually, though I have not counted, I would guess IIFFy has him beat. Originally Posted by Old-T

You're right again Old-Trollop... I'm a RACIST!

Media refuses to report on white cop that was kidnapped/murdered by blacks

Imagine if four white police officers kidnapped and murdered a black male. It would be the biggest news story in America for a year.

Yet last May four black males actually kidnapped a white Waynesboro, VA police officer and murdered him. It has been a heavily censored “hush crime.” Even local media pieces censored all details about the perps. The media desperately doesn’t want the public to know. Only websites, such as this one have covered it.

However, a small daily paper out of Lowell, Massachusetts published a letter to the editor about the racial hate crime murder this weekend.

Do not underestimate the power of letters to the editor. More people read letters to the editor than the news. All conservative activists should consider sending letters to the editor to their local papers.

From Lowell Sun…
Earlier this year in Virginia, Waynesboro police officer Kevin Quick was kidnapped and murdered by four black gang members with affiliation to a national gang from Los Angeles. Quick was driven from ATM to ATM where he was made to withdraw money, then driven into the woods where he was executed as a way for the murderers to move up in the gang.

Nowhere in the national media was this murder of a police officer put to paper. But when a white police officer shot a black man named Michael Brown in Missouri, it made the national news for months. What hypocrites the media has become. Where is the outrage for Quick? Where are the beserk protesters burning and looting in the name of officer Quick?

Where is the white outrage? Where is the hatemonger Al Sharpton?

What if white supremacists, Nazis or the Ku Klux Klan showed up in Virginia and began to riot like the socialist and communist thugs in Ferguson and St. Louis? Would they say the police overacted when they dragged those white thugs away? I don’t think so.

But I guess it is OK to kill a police officer, especially a white one.

If the mainstream media had any courage, they’d put Quick’s story out for consumption right next to the skewed story of the black teen from Ferguson.

But in the eyes of the liberal media elite, when you control the press, you control the message. Quick didn’t deserve what happened to him any more than Brown did, but I don’t hear any wailing for the cop. What a sick country we’ve become.

Gerry Ward

The number one reason I abhor Barack Obama is for the racism i feel he has displayed

He had a chance to help this country

He choose not to

Maybe choose is the wrong word, it seems innate and bursts forth out of the dark ignorance of his heart as his first reaction
rioseco's Avatar
[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1056089052]Officer Wilson was found not be be in the wrong in the death of Michael Brown but the US Justice Department is still trying to get a grand jury to indict him because he is white.

How about that officer who acted "stupidily" at Harvard? Yes, white again.

Even white hispanics like George Zimmerman are put through the federal wringer after the local courts have ruled. White people are no longer safe from double jeopardy with Obama/Holder calling the shots.[/QUOTE]

Every virus spreads too. Look at all the stupid "hands up" members of congress.
I see the Jihadist in Chief and his out going bitch pupet Holder still trying to fix the police and not correctly addressing the criminals on the street.
Looting and theft will get you where DEAD where I live ! These same words must mean VICTIM in certain circles
The President says he wants to improve race relations.

To show how out of touch he is with the realities, he seats a race baiting poverty pimp the likes of Al Sharpton at the same table as The President of the United States.

Does he have a clue how much that inflames the majority of non Blacks?
Every virus spreads too. Look at all the stupid "hands up" members of congress.
I see the Jihadist in Chief and his out going bitch pupet Holder still trying to fix the police and not correctly addressing the criminals on the street.
Looting and theft will get you where DEAD where I live ! These same words must mean VICTIM in certain circles Originally Posted by rioseco
in this upside down world of liberalism and their footmen, the mainstream news media, where good and right and truth is deemed wrong and is always attacked by fogs of lies and false cries of mistreatment despite their leaders knowledge of the truth, these people just don't care

truth has been sacrificed on the alter of destruction and winning at all costs

instead of the taking up the mantra built on a lie of "hands up, don't shoot", it should be "pants up, don't loot"

"fixing the police" by cowing them with body cameras reminds me of an old cartoon where the mice finally belled the cat and thereafter the mice could rampage the house at will because the bell placed around the cat's neck forewarned them

I'm not opposed to body camera's on police if the individual policeman can turn it off and on as needed

instead of body cameras on police we need cameras in high crime areas and also body cameras should be ordered on any felons on probation and as a continuing part of the sentence for those released from prison. any removal or alteration of their 24/7 body camera, video or audio, should be a felony itself in addition to a breaking of their previous probation or release conditions.

Based on the 80/20 rule of thumb, I’d think that 80 percent of the people in high crime areas are good people, held hostage and in constant fear by welfare recipient cheats, thugs, criminals, leftist destroyers, race pimps and gang members. Fortunately with the witness protection afforded by a grand jury process these good people came forward to tell the truth. In open court, they may well have been too intimidated by the criminals and liars. truth is always under assault by Obama on down to his lesser imitation, dorian johnson , "snitches get stitches" they say.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Jesus Christ!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
[QUOTE=JD Barleycorn;1056089052]Officer Wilson was found not be be in the wrong in the death of Michael Brown but the US Justice Department is still trying to get a grand jury to indict him because he is white.

How about that officer who acted "stupidily" at Harvard? Yes, white again.

Even white hispanics like George Zimmerman are put through the federal wringer after the local courts have ruled. White people are no longer safe from double jeopardy with Obama/Holder calling the shots. Originally Posted by rioseco

Every virus spreads too. Look at all the stupid "hands up" members of congress.
I see the Jihadist in Chief and his out going bitch pupet Holder still trying to fix the police and not correctly addressing the criminals on the street.
Looting and theft will get you where DEAD where I live ! These same words must mean VICTIM in certain circles[/QUOTE]
Ignorant fuck.
rioseco's Avatar
instead of the taking up the mantra built on a lie of "hands up, don't shoot", it should be "pants up, don't loot"

That is classic ! 10 +
rioseco's Avatar

Every virus spreads too. Look at all the stupid "hands up" members of congress.
I see the Jihadist in Chief and his out going bitch pupet Holder still trying to fix the police and not correctly addressing the criminals on the street.
Looting and theft will get you where DEAD where I live ! These same words must mean VICTIM in certain circles Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Ignorant fuck.[/QUOTE]

Yssup you are one ignorant sob. You simply hate for the sake of hating. You call me ignorant....?
How about yourself ?
You would know the truth if it ripped that cock out of your ass !