P411, Traveling Providers, And Booking More Appointments

citizen44's Avatar
Ladies, one thing you might want to understand is that most of us guys got to the point of having enough disposable income to spend time with you all because we are big on planning and organization. Most of us have more meetings than we care to think about, and have to plan appointments with you all in advance. Better providers tend to book up fast and require advanced booking.

All of that said, do yourself and us a favor and start using the tools p411 gives you. Use the calendar and put where you hope to be over the next couple of weeks. It's not a legal contract, if you have to change the schedule, then change it. Do what ever it is you all do so that a visiting listing with your schedule pops up for the city you are traveling to. Do this a week in advance. Don't wait until the day you arrive to throw up an ad on Eccie, it will quickly get buried, and will be too late to change our plans.

If you want more bookings, do us all a favor and give your clients advance notice on p411. At least ten weeks last year I missed out on seeing a traveling lady because she didn't advertise until she hit town, but by then all my plans were set in stone.
SkylaLove's Avatar
Will do
I second the op's notion. Scheduling last minute usually does not work for me.
VIPRaniLane's Avatar
I love the calendar feature on P411 & I use it in advance of touring. Pre-booking is my preferred way to schedule, so I'm grateful for the new option
  • jwood
  • 01-07-2015, 07:14 PM
Because of my work schedule it's hard for me to prebook. I usually don't know till the day of, but I know very early in the morning. I do like to know who's coming though.
Cpalmson's Avatar
It cuts both ways for girls and guys. Some guys like to know in advance, yet there are guys who can only do short notice. If a gal is completely booked up, he is SOL. If she waited until hitting town, the non-planner has a reasonable shot of booking her.

Here's a possible solution. A lady posts about 10 days out and starts taking pre-bookings. She also holds back 2 appts or so for those last minute type clients.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Ladies, one thing you might want to understand is that most of us guys got to the point of having enough disposable income to spend time with you all because we are big on planning and organization. Most of us have more meetings than we care to think about, and have to plan appointments with you all in advance. Better providers tend to book up fast and require advanced booking.

In my experience, and as evidenced by the almost 100% percent request for specials, and demands for "right now" appointments, it seems as though most of the gents here do NOT in fact have nearly enough disposable income, And most do not have the ability to organize and plan an intimate encounter. And, most ladies wouldn't want a gent to know how many appointments they might have on any given day.

All of that said, do yourself and us a favor and start using the tools p411 gives you. Use the calendar and put where you hope to be over the next couple of weeks. It's not a legal contract, if you have to change the schedule, then change it. Do what ever it is you all do so that a visiting listing with your schedule pops up for the city you are traveling to. Do this a week in advance. Don't wait until the day you arrive to throw up an ad on Eccie, it will quickly get buried, and will be too late to change our plans.

Truly, while we would love more pre-bookings, most gents wait until the last minute, or at least this is my experience. I'd kill to have more gents pre-book, as I don't do last minute requests well at all. There's a link to hobbying tips on this site that many gents seem to have taken to heart, and it's kinda screwed up the order of things for gents I consider as "Hobbyist". But hey, what would I know?

If you want more bookings, do us all a favor and give your clients advance notice on p411. At least ten weeks last year I missed out on seeing a traveling lady because she didn't advertise until she hit town, but by then all my plans were set in stone.

.If the hobbyists want ladies who can comply with the natural order of things, rather than instruct the ladies on how to go about their business, maybe it's best to address the erroneous info being so generously offered to those who are hobbyist wannabes, but are rather, cheapskate convenient warm wet hole seekers. Originally Posted by citizen44
IJS.....it is what it is. When the "Hobbyists" allow their wants, needs, and desires to be disrupted by another group of individuals all together, it's kinda hard for the ladies to conduct their business and be available for the kind of gents we prefer, or even as we'd like to be.

Having stated as I have, just know, we feel your frustration. And while some of us can stick to our guns concerning such matters, others have children to feed and responsibilities that they must meet. So, if the Hobbyists want their Hobby back, do something to get it back, rather than get upset with the ladies who do what they gotta do, because our true targets are too busy to pay attention to what's happening in their world. We'd certainly appreciate it!

My thoughts and experiences, but if I'm seeing the trend, I know the other ladies are as well. Please know that I enjoy hobbyists and am grateful to provide what I can provide them, said the Very sexy, Low Volume , experienced and mature provider. (sorry, couldn't resist this opportunity...lol)
It cuts both ways for girls and guys. Some guys like to know in advance, yet there are guys who can only do short notice. If a gal is completely booked up, he is SOL. If she waited until hitting town, the non-planner has a reasonable shot of booking her.

Here's a possible solution. A lady posts about 10 days out and starts taking pre-bookings. She also holds back 2 appts or so for those last minute type clients. Originally Posted by Cpalmson

Same day or last minute cancellations occur. It doesn't make much business sense to not book ahead and leave oneself at the mercy of chance. If you were a hotel owner, would you leave rooms open for possible walk-ins when you could prebook them all?