
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Last night I was watching, once again, the film "Tombstone". Those guys had MUSTACHES.

Although I can understand why a man might want one ... sometimes, they're not pleasant. Discussing the merits of having a mustache and the sexual implications of them might be fun.

I'd like to hear from the men and women on their feelings about mustaches. I have a few strong thoughts but would rather wait and hear from the others.

I know this sounds weird but everytime i kiss a man with a mustache they poke me in the nostril....Dont mind them but keep it cleaned
Go4it's Avatar
  • Go4it
  • 12-18-2011, 10:31 AM
When I was a kid the classic name for a moustache was a womb broom. Of course I am finding out that we kids didn't know wtf we were talking about. Seems to me most ladies don't like them, particularly for DTY since they are sharpedged and sticky. Alas, I have had one for over 40 years so I doubt if I will shave it.
Thus was born the term "Moustache Ride"
I think more men & women like and prefer a mustache on an man than men & women like the mustache on a woman.
doublebogey49's Avatar
I know this sounds weird but everytime i kiss a man with a mustache they poke me in the nostril....Dont mind them but keep it cleaned Originally Posted by Brandee69
I understand some of the issues that women have with a man's mustache, but I have to admit to keeping mine strictly out of vanity. I last shaved it off when I was in college and my upper lip looked so large that I decided to grow it right back. Forty years later, and I haven't had the nerve to shave it off again. It's always clean and I do keep it trimmed. Unfortunately, I have been told that sometimes the trimming makes it more irritating for a women, so I try to keep it out of the way when it may come into contact with an intimate area on a woman.
hookem69horns's Avatar
Oddly I never liked facial hair then, months before the big day, I started growing a goatee, and 21 years later it is still there ... and like others, and out of respect for the lady, I am still unsure whether ladies like them or not, and kinda wish that would be added to a their Profile ... if that makes sense, and yes, if I were to want to see a lady that didn't like facial hair, I would shave it off ...

Oh, and I have always heard a mustache or goatee is a "flavor saver"!
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 12-18-2011, 12:24 PM
I figure anything that helps cover my face is a good thing.......
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I understand some of the issues that women have with a man's mustache, but I have to admit to keeping mine strictly out of vanity. I last shaved it off when I was in college and my upper lip looked so large that I decided to grow it right back. Forty years later, and I haven't had the nerve to shave it off again. It's always clean and I do keep it trimmed. Unfortunately, I have been told that sometimes the trimming makes it more irritating for a women, so I try to keep it out of the way when it may come into contact with an intimate area on a woman. Originally Posted by doublebogey49
My roomie and I have an affinity for large and sensual lips. You might want to think about that before imagining that your larger lip is unsightly. I believe that I've even written about sensual lips in this forum.

Mustaches will often catch food and coffee. I can see the attractiveness being a factor. Sam Elliot is HOT HOT HOT in my book and he sports one. (Sam Elliot is HOT HOT HOT. I will keep saying that until I cannot say it anymore! Damn. He is HOT!)

But there are few things more grotesque than kissing a man that has food stuck to his mustache. And sometimes, if they're longer, they will scratch the area around my lips.

Kissing is VERY important to me and I don't like to say no. And I try NOT to say no to a man. But dangling coffee, etc., from a mustache can cause me to feel slightly faint inside.

This is a rarity and lately, mustaches haven't been bothering me as much.

Just curious what others thought. I'm surprised that men will admit that they know women might find them to not be the best things in the world but they still have one.


ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
I would really like to see one woman step up and tell us that she finds mustaches to be sexy and/or erotic. And then the reasons why.

Anyone? Oh .. and it's not that I just don't LIKE mustaches. Please do not think that. I do wonder why men are suggesting that they have them knowing that some women aren't very fond of them.

Interesting dichotomy.

I searched, "I'm your huckleberry, mustache ride" I found this:

Mmmmm, Love me some Huckleberry Val

pyramider's Avatar
I prefer to be clean shaven than having whiskers.
I have had a large mustache for close to 30 years, would not dream of shaving off now. I dont remeber ever seeing anyone with coffee dangling from it. I try hard to clean the food out of it before visiting anyone,lol. I do know some woman do not like facial hair but it kinda compares to men liking or not liking pubic hair. As long as it is well trimmed, not sharp edged and there is no COFFEE in it, I am fine with it, but the shaved ones are nice too, very nice.