Hobby Email Spam

My hobby email account on hotmail shows that I had close to 30 undeliverable messages. They were all titled "Let's make some money". I'm assuming it went out to everybody I've ever emailed.

Sorry 'bout that. Not sure what to do about it except to delete all the deleted emails. I delete all the junk. If anybody has any tips, let me know.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-14-2010, 01:50 PM
It appears that your machine has a viral infection.

May I suggest the following...

Malwarebytes Anti-Malware

Avast! Anti-virus

Thanks Mokoa. I'm a Mac-based life form. These seem to be PC, right? Anything else?
If anybody gets another email from "me" that says "You gotta read this" or "Find out how to make money like I did" or anything like that, PLEASE let me know.

I think I've fixed it. Still getting a couple of "failure to deliver" notices but it's been explained to me that it's on the receiver's end not mine. Or something.

I've run some badass antivirus and changed passwords. I added myself to my contacts list and I haven't received anything from "me". If it's not fixed I'll change email.

Thanks. Sorry about the emails.
If you are on a Mac then, unless you've given yourself superuser privs then it can't be anything systemic.

More likely what's happened (and this is usually what does happen) is that someone else has been infected.

If you're using Hotmail then you don't have a contact list on your local machine. Hotmail keeps it, in which case a) the above scenario holds or b) Hotmail (ie Microsoft) has totally screwed the pooch. Me? It's a.

Former Unix and Linux sysadmin, whose job is now in Viet Nam, after having been moved to India, until they got too expensive. Should be back here in about 3 years, when we become the least expensive source.