OMG i was not arrested

Max Rax's Avatar
Just wanted to update everyone I still haven't returned to working and honestly not sure if I ever will, just seems like a roller coaster that keeps going down and never up. Again sorry if I haven't, replied to you am trying to little bit at a time also i'm sorry if you have called and i'm not answering I promise i'm not ignoring anyone, just really can't handle talking to anyone at all.......I heard there was a rumor i got arrested i can confirm that is not true just having things thrown at me from every possible direction.... I honestly believe in the power of praying so i would greatly appreciate it if everyone said just a little pray for me...

BTW this is not a retirement thread or anything like that I just don't know at this point, i can say that none of this has anything to do with work it's all personal, so no over's or under's here lol yes i'm trying to find humor in the smallest things

And who ever is saying I got arrested shame on you, don't assume things until you have facts, i believe in karma and YOU should too

On the upside I've lost 16 pounds gotta find the good in everything right
Lincolnpark's Avatar
Take care Maxx.I thought you were working a part time gig at sonic.
Yerassman's Avatar
Hope you get things worked out. Life has crossroads, pick one and don't look back.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Take care of yourself right now above all else

And who ever is saying I got arrested shame on you, don't assume things until you have facts, i believe in karma and YOU should too This seems to
happen a lot around here....

Originally Posted by Max Rax
LP- can you really see Max working the Sonic
Take care of yourself right now above all else
Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
I can add an "amen" to that one!
bbkid's Avatar
  • bbkid
  • 02-18-2011, 07:26 AM
LP- can you really see Max working the Sonic Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Sure man, you know one of those car-hop girls on the roller skates. Max could do it!!!

Seriously, Max you care of YOU babe. Don't let any crap said here, or anywhere, bother you.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
I heard there was a rumor i got arrested i can confirm that is not true just having things thrown at me from every possible direction Originally Posted by Max Rax
You know I've been on these boards for around 11 years, but I only know what's going on in Houston. There are some people out here that have zero life away from the hobby. I mean no life at all. Some of these people are OK, most of them, but there are people out there who have nothing better to do than make shit up. They are truly the pathetic ones. About the rumor you got busted, does anybody realize the other side of the coin, about what a rumor of this sort could cost you in customers and money to feed you and your family? Some of these rumors of this nature (provider X has some sort of VD, provider Y got busted, provider Z is working with LE, provider ZZ is a post op) are inherently dangerous and should not be mentioned or spread without 100% proof.

On the upside I've lost 16 pounds gotta find the good in everything right Originally Posted by Max Rax
I wish I could lose 16 pounds. Healthy weight loss is good, emotional weight loss isn't as good.

I will talk to the man upstairs for a minute or two in prayer for you and your family.

I don't know if he listens to me, but I'll try.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
DJ- I agree with everything you said.

Facts are the most important thing when we give info to others. People also need to consider who they get their facts from as well. There is also a difference in fact and opinion. Some like to turn opinions into fact.
Diabolo's Avatar

I hope everything gets worked out soon ! and of course, I'm looking forward to enjoying your great company once again !
JoeCanGo's Avatar
+1 on that DJ and EA. After all isn't this an Opinion based board? Everyone has their Opinions about everything on here and More times than not those opinions are based on others Opinions that they have read on this Board. Very few straight up real facts get passed on without there being at least someones slight opinion being involved. Then everyone else throws their Opinion in and it grows from there. Inteligent people will read all the info and of course develop their own Opinion as well as the stupid people so either way Every body has their own OPINION. Very few have the Facts. JMO.

Max get better ok girl, You are Awesome. I wish you and yours nothing but the best. Please don't get too skinny on us.
anakin's Avatar
things will get better take your time and get things in order
uuugh...I wish you the best and all but can we leave out the whole "believe in prayer"/"pray for me" stuff. It just feels a little awkward reading it from this board.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Uhhhh..... She has just much a right as you to post what she wants.....
Uhhhh..... She has just much a right as you to post what she wants..... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
like the person who posted that she went in jail has the right to post whatever.

She can post what she likes I'm just letting her know it makes me feel uncomfortable reading on this board
blowpop's Avatar
I hope everything works out for you. You're a class act, and don't deserve to be the subject of gossip around here.