I just have to know

Are the men in Houston being busted as often as the providers are? I know four who were busted in the month of February two of which have been providers for years and they say that they screened. All busts off of backpage as far as I know.. not 100% certain. So, I just have to know are the men catching heat too?
pyramider's Avatar
Yeah, the wives are getting suspicious.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
No, there are no problems that I am aware of on this side of the fence in that regard.

However, I would say that the typical provider is about ten times more likely to be busted than the typical hobbyist simply because of the number of average encounters each one has in a given time frame.

My condolences to your friends, but this sort of heat seems to come in waves and a provider needs to be ten times more careful to avoid the pitfalls
and traps the pigs lay.

The pigs operate under a different mindset and the irony is that they really believe they are doing us a favor.
The wives are always suspicious and yes they do think they are doing us a favor and to some maybe they are I don't freakin know. Just was wondering...
I don't know of the pigs busting any johns at all except in streetwalker situations.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
Ya think the HPD is extending equal protection to domestic partners of wandering faggots?

C'mon, HPD Vice! Get y'all asses out there and start getting jiggy, then tight, then comfy, then OFF wichew some queers. If it really IS all about the law, that is. Which it ain't. It's about the goddam mayor, porker.
Jack Flash's Avatar
I wish HPD had a hooker bust recommendation site. That way we could post the name and number of all the bait and switch girls on backpage and HPD could go bust them and leave the real girls alone. Might clean out the clutter on there.
I am with jack..Right on buddy
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
You mean kinda like the Better Business Bureau of Pussy?

The ROBs on BP are de facto allies of the PD ... both bunches are disincentives to mongering.
I don't think cops should be referred to as pigs. It is the legislators who make the laws, the cops are just doing their job.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
I don't think cops should be referred to as pigs. It is the legislators who make the laws, the cops are just doing their job. Originally Posted by 14many
You got that right, IMO. The legislatures do crank out a shitload of laws, and their worthless spawn bureaucrats ain't happy unless they're writing regulations by the bucketsful ... the bastards do such an enthusiastic job of criminalizing real life itsownself that there is no fucking way the policing agencies can enforce all of them.

Ergo, we no longer have a government of law...we have a government of men (which, of course, includes women) who choose through their own whimsical tyranny which laws to emphasize and which to ignore.

This is how we got sanctuary cities while the Escapes got hammered.

None of this is the fault of the rank and file cop. Don't blame them.

Hi, Mr. (and, of course, Ms.) Po-Po's Most of us hardlegs are on your side in most of what you do. But I think y'all already know that.
If the providers do screenings then how do they get caught, I dont get it? When I see providers I research them big time to see if she is a real provider or a fake. Im just curious how they got caught so they or we dont make those mistakes in the future.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I don't think cops should be referred to as pigs. It is the legislators who make the laws, the cops are just doing their job. Originally Posted by 14many
Now I agree with this in part... There are some good ones out there but what you need to understand is that if they were really just doing their job the way they are suppose to then most of their stings and so called busts would not stick. Since that is the case they lie and cheat to make a bust on who?? Two people that make a conscience choice to do something that isn't harming a soul.... please. That is not how you enforce the law and that is the reason for the word pig.....
  • wikdj
  • 03-06-2011, 09:27 AM
I wonder if there is a pattern to the busts. Not so far as to what part of town, but in regards to time of the year: is the budget year coming up? election cycle cranking up? etc......... I see these things as more of a financial / political thing than a law enforcement issue. If it was actual enforcement then, in my mind, there would be a much more consistent flow of busts on providers and hobbyists. Instead, it seems it comes in waves, like when they decide to go out and bust illegals for a media blitz.
landon's Avatar
As a hobbyist, I have not caught heat from LE. Call it luck but primarily the gals I do are strippers (and their friends, bonus girls) and I do very little with some gal off say BackPage (who potentially could be a setup for LE or robbery from BF or Pimp). I generally find one girl (like WR1, x stripper, who I have been doing regularly for a coupla years) and stick with her. This helps get POP down and no mysteries on the quality of service.

For variety, I occasionally will do a stripper itc at an extras friendly club and many will meet me otc. With itc however, there is risk of surprise rush from LE but many clubs have flashing red light alarm system for this. There are also past gals I have done over the years who will occasionally call me to hookup for a number of reasons - Maybe they are bored with their husband or visiting from out of town. I have found these to be very passionate, enjoyable, intensely exciting sexual encounters especially if its a gal I had dozens of times in the past. I will experience very intense spasms of climax for a super experience plus it really excites the girl. One who lives in another state, a FB friend too, will be moving back to town and we will be meeting up. We can both hardly wait.

To me meeting up with a girl is not just some one time thing. If she is good, I like to have more expereinces with her and this will build a sort of synergy of intense mutual enjoyment plus its some good shopping money for the girl.