Put it like this, if your best or 2 out of your 3 best sex experiences were from hobbyi

ng, then dont try and quit it. You're addicted to this. Don't even try to stop it or quit. It's in your blood. Don't fool yourself.

Seriously. Think of the hottest sexual sessions you've had in your life. If they are from hobbying then you're not shaking this
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
ng, then dont try and quit it. You're addicted to this. Don't even try to stop it or quit. It's in your blood. Don't fool yourself.

Seriously. Think of the hottest sexual sessions you've had in your life. If they are from hobbying then you're not shaking this Originally Posted by coefficient
You must not have much inner strength.

I'll guarantee you that I was in this hobby as deep as anybody else, probably deeper than most. I'll also guarantee you that most of my top BCD experiences have been hobby related.

It's been over two years since I've had a paid session, and I'm moving further away from the hobby day by day.

I'm not posting this for patting myself on my back, but next time you post something of this nature, be sure and give yourself an out by posting something of the nature of 'most people aren't able to shake this', etc. Don't trap yourself by painting everybody with the same brush.
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 03-05-2011, 11:31 PM
hmm not sure what this post is all about but I'm gonna disagree with coefficient on this one

know more than a handful of guys that have walked away from the hobby and haven't looked back. this was even with their own admission that the best sex they've ever had was with some of the talented ladies that offer their services on here or elsewhere
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 03-06-2011, 10:18 AM
..but I'm gonna disagree with coefficient on this one... Originally Posted by Rezo
Just this one?
I guess I was wrong
guest063011's Avatar
ng, then dont try and quit it. You're addicted to this. Don't even try to stop it or quit. It's in your blood. Don't fool yourself.

Seriously. Think of the hottest sexual sessions you've had in your life. If they are from hobbying then you're not shaking this Originally Posted by coefficient

uh oh, guess I'm in trouble now!!!
that's a very artistic profile picture amber. Becareful, show that around and someone may lure you out of the hobby with a modeling contract.
Lets see... two hours with Ava Baker AND LIVED!!!!

All nighters (multiple) with Mlisa, and Lillith.. together and one on one... and lived..and Kara (now out of Austin) breathtaking....

Absolutely my most memorable experiences have been with providers

I haven't had a paid session in about a year... do I miss it... oh sure... you nuts? I miss the parties, the get togethers, the nights out at Treasures and TGSOE with the guys... hell yes I miss it...

Will I go back to it... not in the stars right now... I'm in a good place...
Satin's Avatar
  • Satin
  • 03-07-2011, 05:10 PM
TGSOE....now you're talking...lol

Mine are not even close to being from "the hobby"... Thank God...
Mojojo's Avatar
uh oh, guess I'm in trouble now!!! Originally Posted by ambernhouston
Glad I left that sort of impact on ya! I gotcha now!!
the pessimistic wandering of a man who might resent his decisions-- the OP I mean
Mine have all been with sugarbabes or wifelets - not sure if that counts as hobby or not.
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 03-08-2011, 08:37 AM
Nope, not even close.
kerwil62's Avatar
Mine weren't from the hobby either.
Randall Creed's Avatar
My lifetime best ones aren't from the hobby, but that's a different arena. Civvie sex was with girlfriends, which meant all night kissing and barebacking and cumming in the pussy, cuddling, dosing off, waking up again and going another round, and waking up and still having every penny you walked in with. Rinse and repeat another day, and another. So on an so forth. It's just a different atmosphere. Now, I will say that the best BJs I've ever had come from the hobby. I've gotten them from civvie girls, but in the hobby they're more specialized in this area...unless you happen to have had a GF who can tear 'em up.

You can use a different scale of measure speaking in hobby related dialect by saying that was the best sex ever, if that makes sense. Apples to apples, hobby sex should NOT compare to civvie sex. In the civvie world, you're typically not on the clock, pending having to go to work or school or whatever, and typically you're not on the dime, either...pending paying a phone bill or whatever (yes, many guys have paid a phone bill to get some...admit it, will you).

Two different worlds, thus two different units of measure, if you ask me.