We were duped?

boardman's Avatar
It's been nearly two months since the "New Mods for Houston" thread and a month since the mod poll was closed and all we got out of it was SMI.

Don't get me wrong, I thinck that SMI, is actually one of the better mods that Houston has had. (Don't point me bro)
But, if that was all that was gonna happen wouldn't it have been easier to just ask him to come back rather than going through all the drama and bs of a useless poll?

Just curious.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Hey man it's takes a long time to interview someone like Wakeup. Knowing him he probably pissed off whoever interviewed him... lol. That's not an overnight decision ya know.
useless thread.......just like the pole
Wakeup's Avatar
Actually my phone interview with St.C went very well...I don't think I pissed him off any more than I piss off anyone else...

Oh shit...
notanewbie's Avatar
Maybe they got all the information they needed.
Rezo's Avatar
  • Rezo
  • 03-08-2011, 11:08 AM
useless thread.......just like the pole Originally Posted by babydollsnow
Maybe they got all the information they needed. Originally Posted by notanewbie
  • pyro
  • 03-08-2011, 01:07 PM
seems to me the thread served it's purpose quite well.
It was like giving all interested parties both input and ample rope to hang yourself.
If given a platform and enough time, we eventually betray ourselves and our motives.

just my $.02
notanewbie's Avatar
big fucking edit.
Mr Clever's Avatar
The poll accomplished two things: First, it put everyone in check. Everyone was acting like little angels for over a month. Which, was quite funny. All the potentials thought they were gonna be the next Houston mod. I don't think I've ever witnessed so many "yes sir's" in my life.

Second, how would he know who to ask to come back without the poll?
dearhunter's Avatar
My interview is tomorrow.
blowpop's Avatar
I thought it was a very clever idea - it was entertaining to watch all the groveling from those who typically start the drama.
My interview is in a few days...I thinck I have enough time to get the tiger blood out of my system by then.
dearhunter's Avatar
I'm lucky I was banned during the process.