Do Providers Read PMs?

ShinyKnight's Avatar
I've recently sent PMs to 10 providers looking for someone special for my wife and I. Only two have ever been read and one answered.

Do they get so many annoying PMs that they just do read them? Seems like they may be missing opportunities.
Mojojo's Avatar
This is not an excuse for them but think about the ratio on here. Im sure some girls have tons of pm's to reply to. If they have read it and not replied then thats a different story, and I understand your frustration however dont sweat it the ISO section is your friend on here too!
better luck with emails.
Wakeup's Avatar
Just because you request a "read receipt" doesn't mean they have to give it. I never give a read confirmation when I open PMs, but I've read every PM I've gotten...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Just because you request a "read receipt" doesn't mean they have to give it. I never give a read confirmation when I open PMs, but I've read every PM I've gotten... Originally Posted by Wakeuр
Same here.

OP there was a recent thread that adressed this issue. I'm too lazy to look it up on my phone but it will give you some insight to what you are asking about.
Dad's Avatar
  • Dad
  • 03-08-2011, 08:13 PM
May be those you PMed are not into the wife thing!
guest063011's Avatar
+1, you took the words right out of my finger tips....Dad!

May be those you PMed are not into the wife thing! Originally Posted by Dad
ShinyKnight's Avatar
I fully understand ladies that don't meet with couples; all it takes is a "not interested", that's why I sent PMs to find that out. I just didn't know if I should try to call, or otherwise contact, those that I did not get a read receipt from? How do I know they got the message? I assume those that read and do not reply are not interested. We have met with a couple of providers that did not indicate in their bio they met with couples, but when I contacted them they liked couples and were awesome. Just looking for advice from providers as to what they would like to see?
I return every PM I've ever gotten. If there is something that I'm not into, I would thank you for your inquiry, politely decline and recommend someone who is into your preference, kink or whatever. Although, I'm pretty kinky lol.

Sorry you're having so much trouble.
eve's Avatar
  • eve
  • 03-11-2011, 12:50 PM
Uhm... wifey thing.... EA you know what I am