The National Blacklist ???? REALLY?

As well as are funny as hell. Most of the people I know from Eccie are on those list. They seem to be used as weapons by providers than showing real info that might help other providers. I would say half of the info on there is complete BS. I mean guys like DED and others I cannot mention ( eccie martial law) but hold in high regard, are on those list....Those list are now worthless....they seem to be used for a providers petty revenge than for good......Once again a useful tool has been fouled up thanks to a few petty witches......when will we learn?

take a peek at them for a good laugh........
Randall Creed's Avatar
Yeah. Being on the list because you NS' time, or maybe asked for Greek, or even had bad breath is just silly. The blacklist and others like it should be for those that are violent, threatening, habitual shortchangers, or just weird beyond a workable level, etc.
I paid for the service so I could see what it had to offer; I will always stick with my own screening and never use ANY "service" to aid me in the future. I had to send an email telling them I paid my minimum and did not wish to be charged further because it really was not handled well...the website and "alerts" I had hoped to get useful info and all I got was angry "alerts"
As well as are funny as hell. Most of the people I know from Eccie are on those list. They seem to be used as weapons by providers than showing real info that might help other providers. I would say half of the info on there is complete BS. I mean guys like DED and others I cannot mention ( eccie martial law) but hold in high regard, are on those list....Those list are now worthless....they seem to be used for a providers petty revenge than for good......Once again a useful tool has been fouled up thanks to a few petty witches......when will we learn?

take a peek at them for a good laugh........ Originally Posted by jasmin
Unfortunately, it is no laughing matter and is a serious danger to the hobbyists.

I know of at least one guy who was outed on the National Blacklist by two providers who were known in the P4P world. Those two hookers are the epitome of what a loser is and not the one they outed. The problem is those two were never held accountable for their actions and they got away with it because they lied when they outed the guy. Such is life; I understand now that things are pretty bad for them which is as it should be.

The short version of National Blacklist is its purpose, in my not so humble opinion, is to be a place for providers to be the vindictive and cunty indiscreet things that they can be with no repercussions for what they post since that site encourages that type of behavior. That site is a serious risk to any hobbyist, especially if the hobbyist is married, and should be removed because of the danger it presents.

Don't know about ProviderBuzz except I have been told it helps the providers. However, I don’t know that for a fact and I tend to distrust it as well since it is a girl only site and is behind closed doors. Therein lies another problem as that nature cannot be trusted either.... and the girls wonder why the guys tell them, no, you don’t get my real world information for screening.

It does not take a rocket scientist to figure this out.
Any info you provide for screening or allow a provider to acquire by driving to her incall may be used to seriously burn you.

Even if the provider herself means you no harm. She is not to be considered secure.
It is possible for others to access her info.
Steal her cellphone... get her drunk and talking about you...notes she writes on times and dates you have scheduled...pimps in same hotel just watching the door and writing tag numbers.

Any screening info you give out may be used to connect you to your job or spouse or family or even LE.

It is not easy to stay in the shadows. Most places have cameras in parking areas and entrances...when you walk in you are a prime candidate for review.
If you believe only LE can access those your friendly alarm guy a beer sometime and ask him how it works.

Do not be foolish, protect yourself, stay anonymous if you can.
She may think her screening is protecting her...its not...but it is exposing you.
Stay safe.!
mrhunt's Avatar
Most guys on black list are there because we are CAVEMEN.
notanewbie's Avatar

it is so easy.....
Any info you provide for screening or allow a provider to acquire by driving to her incall may be used to seriously burn you.

Even if the provider herself means you no harm. She is not to be considered secure.
It is possible for others to access her info.
Steal her cellphone... get her drunk and talking about you...notes she writes on times and dates you have scheduled...pimps in same hotel just watching the door and writing tag numbers.

Any screening info you give out may be used to connect you to your job or spouse or family or even LE.

It is not easy to stay in the shadows. Most places have cameras in parking areas and entrances...when you walk in you are a prime candidate for review.
If you believe only LE can access those your friendly alarm guy a beer sometime and ask him how it works.

Do not be foolish, protect yourself, stay anonymous if you can.
She may think her screening is protecting her...its not...but it is exposing you.
Stay safe.!
r9 Originally Posted by rhino9

I don't know think a provider ( with the exception of 1 I know of) would go that far to cause anyone trouble. I would hope not anyway. It seems like a great deal of trouble to go through to bother someone. I know it can be done, but most of us are too lazy to go through all that. WHY would a provider do all that? It would only serve to cause her trouble and hurt her business. It's impossible to stay completely in the shadows. There is a risk involved in this dance we do. That's why some people do it...
tikkler33's Avatar
I don't know think a provider ( with the exception of 1 I know of) would go that far to cause anyone trouble. I would hope not anyway. It seems like a great deal of trouble to go through to bother someone. I know it can be done, but most of us are too lazy to go through all that. WHY would a provider do all that? It would only serve to cause her trouble and hurt her business. It's impossible to stay completely in the shadows. There is a risk involved in this dance we do. That's why some people do it... Originally Posted by jasmin
Even if a provider wouldn't intentionally try to cause trouble, as stated above the information she has about guys can be lost, stolen, taken as evidence by LE, or otherwise compromised.
And BTW, even well known, well respected providers can "lose it" and out someone in a fit of rage. Some of us who were around aspd years ago saw it happen.