Civilans and Providers

guest063011's Avatar
I have asked this to a couple of people and could never get a straight answer so I guess I will ask the entire Houston board....

When referring to females who do not provide for money, why are they referred to as civilians and we are referred as providers? People act as if we are incarcerated or in the armed forces or something.

I know this may come as a real shocker , and I can't speak for every provider, but I AM A CIVILAN! Dangit.
boardman's Avatar
It's more of a colloquial term.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
What word do you use to separate clients and just regular guys? It's just a term not one meant to demean you as a person....

Maybe JaD can post a much more eloquent response sense he is so experienced in reading between the lines... lol
haha. That is funny. I never thought about it that way..I'm a civil provider....
Mojojo's Avatar
Lol amber didn't we talk about it the other day? EA is pretty much correct its just a term to separate fantasy land from reality I guess you could say.
Btw smoking avatar!
guest063011's Avatar
Lol amber didn't we talk about it the other day? EA is pretty much correct its just a term to separate fantasy land from reality I guess you could say.
Btw smoking avatar! Originally Posted by mojojo213
Thanks tootse! Trying to decide if I want to add levating appointments to my menu...probably rule out the need for a swing...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
That is a hell of an avatar
something levating on me
Thanks tootse! Trying to decide if I want to add levating appointments to my menu...probably rule out the need for a swing... Originally Posted by ambernhouston
It's no floating couch but you see she is well on her way..Levitating is a pre requisite for union members.
Duke Togo's Avatar
Since you have some kind of magic going on there I guess the "others" would be called "Muggles".
After the avatar and the showcase pics, I wish I could pass the screening!!!
Golfdude, aside from being broke, why would you not be able to pass the screening?
  • pyro
  • 03-09-2011, 05:09 PM
the minute you accept a $.01 for services rendered you have just gone Pro.
Meaning if BJ's ever become an olympic sport, you've blown your amateur status.
rockshox69's Avatar
I think It's more PC than saying ho, h**ker, whore, streetwalk*r compared to slut, horny girl, sex addict.
Thanks tootse! Trying to decide if I want to add levating appointments to my menu...probably rule out the need for a swing... Originally Posted by ambernhouston
You could call yourself a performer of the sensual arts thus become an "artist"