State of the Union Speech.......The President Did A Great Job!!

You can see why he is the master of the crowd.

TV was not the friend of many of the Democrats. Their sulking expressions and rolling eyes came across as exposing them for exactly what they are.

America was watching.

Good job, President Trump. You did America proud tonight.
winn dixie's Avatar
Totally agree. Trump was Bigly presidential tonight!
I have to admit I got a bit teary eyed when he presented the WW2 veteran and the polish internment camp survivor.
LexusLover's Avatar
I have to admit I got a bit teary eyed when he presented the WW2 veteran and the polish internment camp survivor. Originally Posted by USAPunter
The SocialistLiberalAntiTrumpers did as well.

You know how Schumkler tears up at the drop of Executive Order~!
lickidyclit's Avatar
OK,I have to admit, the chubby rich kid,actually did indeed finally show some poise and portrayed himself as a president as opposed to the bullying, demanding,egotistical fraud that we have heretofore seen of his demeanor. I was particularly impressed with his speaking abilities that clearly were not read from a script or cue cards, he actually sounded sincere, maybe his cabinet members decided to polish him up a bit! Pity it took two years to accomplish! All this showmanship is for naught though, he will not get approval for funding the wall!
gfejunkie's Avatar
The new hand maids of obstruction (destruction)...
themystic's Avatar
Trump did a good job. I give him a C. I was going to give him an A but he had a big fail on the Investigation and Border lies. I know the Trump whores will tell me how great he was blah blah blah blah. And you Trump guys are, well you know......mainly racist Russian loving Nazis, oh and I forgot Christian males
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I was watching my alma mater play basketball. Much more significant to my life than the SOTU. I did record it so I might watch it at some point in time.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-06-2019, 06:58 AM
It will not matter it 2 days if he stepped in shit or shit gold.

And you Trump guys are, well you know......mainly racist Russian loving Nazis, oh and I forgot Christian males Originally Posted by themystic

You forgot to mention homophobic, xenophobic, HilLIARy-despising, Barry-bashing, In-God-We-Trust flag waving red blooded American, border-protectin', card carrying pussy grabbers....

whew! I think that might just about cover us, huh?

Love that you threw in that Russian lovin' Nazi part, mystic.....I'd hate to think that Swastika I had painted on the family mini-van was misunderstood by the locals.....
rexdutchman's Avatar
Totally agree. Trump was Bigly presidential tonight!
And all Nancy and her friends needed was a WHITE HOOD to complete the look ( GFEJUNKIE saw it also)
Gee did Nazis boy notice all the white !!! ( KKK) Dimocates behind Nanacy the grand PoooBooo
it is shocking the level of radicalism seen in the dimocrat members of congress

when you get them all together, its frightening
themystic's Avatar
You forgot to mention homophobic, xenophobic, HilLIARy-despising, Barry-bashing, In-God-We-Trust flag waving red blooded American, border-protectin', card carrying pussy grabbers....

whew! I think that might just about cover us, huh?

Love that you threw in that Russian lovin' Nazi part, mystic.....I'd hate to think that Swastika I had painted on the family mini-van was misunderstood by the locals..... Originally Posted by Chateau Becot
Just make sure you write Nationalist under the Swastika and it will be ok CB. Kind of a nice dog whistle effect. Im glad you boys finally took my flag-(The American Flag) down and got your own
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
lots of white females. lol!
And the look on this face was priceless. Trump hit a home run last night.