Another Dem...bites the dust!!

Her Presidential aspirations die before they can be conceived...aborted!!
The caring and compassionate left ain't so caring and compassionate...whad'ya know!!
winn dixie's Avatar
Anyone notice the big lump on that bitches forehead?
TheDaliLama's Avatar
From being poked by a 10' pole
Little Monster's Avatar
Good riddance. We wouldn't have nominated her anyway. No loss there
Solemate62's Avatar
Speaking of biting the dust, the Congressional Dems are closing in on Prez Pumpkin Face to expose his tax returns and his treasonous dealings with Russia to benefit only him and his corrupt family circle. Nunes is history and Schiff is the new sheriff in town!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-07-2019, 07:29 AM
Her Presidential aspirations die before they can be conceived...aborted!!
The caring and compassionate left ain't so caring and compassionate...whad'ya know!! Originally Posted by bb1961
No biting the dust there.

I like her, she knows her shit.

This is a nothing burger.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Schitt is an idiot
Speaking of biting the dust, the Congressional Dems are closing in on Prez Pumpkin Face to expose his tax returns and his treasonous dealings with Russia to benefit only him and his corrupt family circle. Nunes is history and Schiff is the new sheriff in town! Originally Posted by Solemate62
Closing many more years to finally get an indictment on seams all the FAKE NEWS on ALL these MSM talking heads shows wishful thinking has amounted to...NOTHING!!
What are they looking for in this tax evasion...the IRS would have already be ALL over that!!
Go watch RED DAWN...and see your future
Every new revelation...A NOTHING BURGER...everyone is asking...
winn dixie's Avatar
^^^^^OR Amerigeddon..
themystic's Avatar
Closing many more years to finally get an indictment on seams all the FAKE NEWS on ALL these MSM talking heads shows wishful thinking has amounted to...NOTHING!!
What are they looking for in this tax evasion...the IRS would have already be ALL over that!!
Go watch RED DAWN...and see your future
Every new revelation...A NOTHING BURGER...everyone is asking... Originally Posted by bb1961
why doesn't he just release his tax returns like every other president? The last one who didn't release his tax returns...was it Nixon? We just want to see them. There is some kind of reason. Why not end the speculation
why doesn't he just release his tax returns like every other president? The last one who didn't release his tax returns...was it Nixon? We just want to see them. There is some kind of reason. Why not end the speculation Originally Posted by themystic
Are you jealous...what is the much money did he steal from you!!
Maybe it will turnout like Al Capone...they'll send him to Alcatraz...for tax evasion...that way you can stop salivating like a rabid dog
rexdutchman's Avatar
Amerigeddon for the dims one by one ,,,,,,,, Just the hypocrisy of it all.