pooloosi spasms and confuses everyone

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

pussolini is past her expiration date.

when her brain freeszes, she talks off script, mouth hanging stuck halfway, says wrong words and is in lala land for a few minutes.

she needs to get a red "expired" stamped on her forehead. that would be a great pussolini meme!
rexdutchman's Avatar
Yeah more ice like RBG ,
bamscram's Avatar
Maybe her prompter broke. LOL
Pelosi's having the same health issues Hillary has. She's starting to get the thousand yard stare common to Parkinson's victims.

My issue is the "conferences" are just monologues where Pelosi or Schumer or any other Dem just pontificates and the press doesn't ask meaningful questions. In many instances they hussle offstage.