Trump campaign credits impeachment for massive $46 million fundraising haul

  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2020, 09:09 AM

President Donald Trump’s reelection campaign announced Thursday that it raised $46 million during the final three months of 2019 and had nearly $103 million on hand — a massive total at the start of the election year.
The quarterly total, which the campaign described as its largest yet, underscores how Trump has financially capitalized on impeachment. The reelection team has sent out scores of fundraising appeals and launched a merchandising effort aimed at stoking the grievances of Trump’s small donor base and presenting the president as a victim of congressional Democrats out to destroy him.
Trump's fundraising narrowly outpaced Barack Obama, who brought in $42 million during the fourth quarter of 2011 as he was running for reelection.
“Democrats and the media have been in a sham impeachment frenzy and the president’s campaign only got bigger and stronger with our best fundraising quarter this cycle,” Trump campaign manager Brad Parscale said in a statement.

The total does not include funds raised by the Republican National Committee. The RNC, which is working closely with the Trump campaign, has yet to announce its fourth-quarter figures.
Trump is certain to have a vast financial advantage over whoever wins the Democratic nomination. The president’s quarterly figure tops Bernie Sanders, who brought in $34.5 million, and Pete Buttigieg, who raised nearly $25 million.
While chasing small dollar contributions, the president has also been holding exclusive fundraising events with major donors — a practice that could accelerate as the election year gets underway. Trump is slated to host a Jan. 17 fundraiser at his Mar-a-Lago club, where, according to an event invitation. couples are being asked to give up to $250,000 apiece.

With the DNC nearly broke - the DPST's continue chasing their fantasy tht impachment - not forwarded for a Senate trial - will convince the American public that their Socialism. open borders, give the vote to non-citizens and felons, and destroy capitalist organizations for lining the pockets of the DPST nomenklatura will be viable as a platform for the nation.

Americans are far from a stupid as the DPST believe. And the fund raising is an indication of opposition to the Socidalist -Communist Marxist tenets of Bernie and Warren.

Warren is now toning down her "Medicare for All: rhetoric - for the election - but once (if) in office - the gloves will be off to Socialize Medicine and break the Treasury. She lies - as do all the DPST Marxists.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Sanders alone raised $34.4 million in 4Q/2019. Buttigieg $24.7 million. Yang $16,5 million. Other Democratic candidates have not reported 4th quarter contributions. When all contributions are reported the total Democratic candidate's contributions will far exceed contributions for Trump in 4Q/2019. You are correct in that the DNC money on hand is minimal.

Remember!!!!! Hillary Clinton had $1.2 billion in contributions prior to the 2016 election to $647 million for Donald Trump. Even with that huge advantage in contributions for Clinton she lost.
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2020, 09:38 AM
The DNC nominated the most arrogant, smug, dishonest individual they could in 2016 - and has not yet learned the lesson
i think it is 50-50 that H....will be re-nominated at the DNC convention. .

Socialism and hiding the real agenda are not the answer for 2020!
HedonistForever's Avatar
Sanders alone raised $34.4 million in 4Q/2019. Buttigieg $24.7 million. Yang $16,5 million. Other Democratic candidates have not reported 4th quarter contributions. When all contributions are reported the total Democratic candidate's contributions will far exceed contributions for Trump in 4Q/2019. You are correct in that the DNC money on hand is minimal.

Remember!!!!! Hillary Clinton had $1.2 billion in contributions prior to the 2016 election to $647 million for Donald Trump. Even with that huge advantage in contributions for Clinton she lost. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Giving even more credence to my thesis that money doesn't mean shit in elections at this level. Most if not all people that take the time to vote, vote on issues even if they don't thoroughly understand those issues.

I find the rise of Buttigieg and Yang to be the most interesting of the bunch though I wouldn't vote for either. Remove my differences with Buttigieg on policies and I can't help but conclude the man has a superior intellect to all but Yang and as smart as Yang is, he isn't as articulate as Buttigieg who many on the left and right give him the same recognition they gave Obama.

To bad Buttigieg is so far left but maybe that's a good thing. If he was even a little more reasonable, which he isn't, he wants reparations for illegals who were treated badly at the border, I'd have to consider him. I'm impressed every time I hear him speak not because of what he is saying but because of his demeanor and ability to think quick on his feet, the exact opposite of Biden and so many others.

I wish there was somebody other than Trump to vote for but there isn't.
bambino's Avatar
Sanders alone raised $34.4 million in 4Q/2019. Buttigieg $24.7 million. Yang $16,5 million. Other Democratic candidates have not reported 4th quarter contributions. When all contributions are reported the total Democratic candidate's contributions will far exceed contributions for Trump in 4Q/2019. You are correct in that the DNC money on hand is minimal.

Remember!!!!! Hillary Clinton had $1.2 billion in contributions prior to the 2016 election to $647 million for Donald Trump. Even with that huge advantage in contributions for Clinton she lost. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Yes she did lose. Just think how much more effective Trump will be with the money advantage.
HoeHummer's Avatar
You entertaining trump hungers do relaize that twit head gave away billions to his rich ass supporters in his tax cuts smfh. Putin loves this shit and will do all he can....again
  • oeb11
  • 01-02-2020, 11:25 AM
Tsmokies - if Putin could help you DPST's win 2020 - you would be all for him and anything Putin could offer. !!
HoeHummer's Avatar
If your grandma had balls, she'd still be your grandma.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The DNC nominated the most arrogant, smug, dishonest individual they could in 2016 - and has not yet learned the lesson
i think it is 50-50 that H....will be re-nominated at the DNC convention. .

Socialism and hiding the real agenda are not the answer for 2020! Originally Posted by oeb11
And yet that person, disliked as she was, won the popular vote, lost the electoral vote by losing a few states by a handful of votes, and raised over a billion dollars in contributions.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Yes she did lose. Just think how much more effective Trump will be with the money advantage. Originally Posted by bambino
The point I was making is that there might not be a correlation between having a money advantage and winning an election. So far there has been a 100% correlation between approval rating and winning a reelection. If that remains true in 2020, Trump loses.
bambino's Avatar
The point I was making is that there might not be a correlation between having a money advantage and winning an election. So far there has been a 100% correlation between approval rating and winning a reelection. If that remains true in 2020, Trump loses. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Obama’s weren’t much better despite an adoring press:
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Obama’s weren’t much better despite an adoring press: Originally Posted by bambino

as a matter of fact, Obama had a less than 50% rating for most of his 8 years. he plummeted from a "sugar high" of nearly 70% right after the election in 2008 to the low 40's in just 18 months. has there ever been a rejection of a president like that? ever? bahhaaaa

Hotrod511's Avatar

Remember!!!!! Hillary Clinton had $1.2 billion in contributions prior to the 2016 election to $647 million for Donald Trump. Even with that huge advantage in contributions for Clinton she lost. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
didn't do her much good did it speedy
Hotrod511's Avatar
LOLLING! Originally Posted by HoeHummer(assup)