Does anybody Want To Defend The Indefendsable?

This is downright morbid.

I do not want to censor her, or demand she shut up. There are still some Counties throughout the Country that have not turned Red.
bamscram's Avatar
You should she didn't reproduce.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
she had 2 abortions.
bamscram's Avatar
You should be happy she didn't reproduce. Originally Posted by bamscram
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
You should she didn't reproduce. Originally Posted by bamscram
FI Originally Posted by bamscram
what's so funny about it?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Y'all are some cement headed motherfuckers, you know that?

And ...


Jesus Christ! You've sure got a way with words, bubba!

NiceGuy53's Avatar
what's so funny about it? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm

He's Retarded Lenny. He likes to laugh at retarded shit like that.
bamscram's Avatar
what's so funny about it? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Read the two dildo, you can figure it out.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Who's gonna get the message to TryWeakly to stop spamming this forum.
All he's done since LLiarMan brought him over from the Houston forum is bump this one thread.

Each time he bumps, this shit is happening.

Thanks, LLiarMan, for everything.

Now go fuck yourself, and your little dog too,

Oh yeah ... got any naked pictures of your Mama?
Besides the Goonies, anyone ELSE remember her in anything else?? I certainly don't.

And as for her 'seattle has the best abortions around".. FUT THE WHYK??
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Why does this upset you so?
she had 2 abortions. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Apparently she doesn't like kids. Which is typical of luciferians.

  • grean
  • 09-08-2017, 08:08 AM
What's indefensible about it?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
His impossible grasp of the Kangs Anglish
  • grean
  • 09-08-2017, 10:19 AM
How about the right winged constant barrage by states governments on abortion rights wasting millions in tax payers money . The newest conservative on the bench said abortion is settled law.

Defend that.

If the right would not go to extremes to prevent all abortions, there wouldn't be that type of rhetoric coming from the left.

Puritanical dumbshits push laws that would prevent rape victims from receiving not only abortions but the day after pill as well.