Is Eccie Provider age screening accurate?

I ask this because of the influx of new cute and tempting young talent such as one who mentions "Yes I'm 18" in her current ad. She and a few others could easily pass for a mature 16 or even 15 now-a-days.

The thought of unknowingly having a session with a minor would both

a) Mortify me as a grown man whose natural instinct is to protect kids and

b) Scare me enough on a legal liability basis to Not schedule if there is even a chance of a minor posing as a legal age provider.

How thorough is Eccie screening when it comes to provider age? In other words how safe is it really to consider these younguns?
PeAcH's Avatar
  • PeAcH
  • 10-08-2010, 10:47 AM
I guess you can never truly know.. unless you ask for a birth certificate..

It is to your discretion to decide if they're being truthful or not.
blenderhead's Avatar
How could they know? I don't think they look at IDs, and even if they did those are easily faked. It's NOT safe, so be careful.
Well I guess that more than answers that question. Thanks guys.

In the absence of any real screening then the motto I shall follow is: "If you have to ask if a provider is of legal age then you most likely already know the answer."

Perhaps create a mental scenario to assists in the decision making. Ever pull up to a red light and there is a state trooper pulled up right behind you? You're pretty sure you can turn right at red but not 100% positive so you wait for the green regardless as he sits there laughing cause he knows exactly what's going on in your head.

Likewise imagine EVERYTHING in hobbyland is perfectly legal EXCEPT soliciting a minor. There are two cops standing close by as you contemplate responding to a very cute young looking provider who swears up and down that she's 18 but can't prove it to you. You Mostly believe her but Cops are watching. What do you do?
Bingo! No brainer.

Busted as a John is a misdemeanor but sex with a minor is ten in the penn plus a lifetime scarlet letter to wear. For what?
Sensual Sophia's Avatar
A friend of mine insists on seeing the ID of any provider who looks questionable. 17 is the age of consent in TX but in most states it's 18. Better to check ID then to risk being compelled to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life.
I say avoid anyone claiming to be 18. Most 18 year olds want to be older and I think would claim to be. Most who want to claim 18 are probably younger.
blenderhead's Avatar
I read that some guy did check the ID of a provider that claimed she was 19, and the ID verified her age. Later it comes out she was 17. Checking IDs is false security.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
A friend of mine insists on seeing the ID of any provider who looks questionable. 17 is the age of consent in TX but in most states it's 18. Better to check ID then to risk being compelled to register as a sex offender for the rest of your life. Originally Posted by Sensual Sophia
your friend is very wise...The situation has presented itself and I read of such an incident in another state where a hobbyist got nailed but he beat the rap, still went for the ride to the tune of humiliation ( married with kids), non stop court appearances and my guess is an easy $25K. Lost his world...

I won't ever be close to having to ask for an ID, its a hobby, if I need to get to the point I need to protect myself legally and ask for an ID the hobby has turned in to a ' danger zone' and I don't mix the two. For this reason if they aren't advertising 21 or older, adios, no way jose. I'm not knocking young girls or trying to block their business, just the way it is for me...

I also think many 21 or under girls are ' pimped or managed' so the hell with it...30-45 is my ideal age for an escort...they are of course of age, more experience both in the biz and the bed and less of an attitude...

Better safe than sorry...I'll go pay a lady in a nursing home to bang me before I'll stand on the corner waiting for the fresh 18 year old to get off the cheese bus after graduating high each their own

I much prefer the older ladies, and to address the OP question, no site is 100%, its just a message board, with hobbying comes risk and each of us must decide the risk level we wish to take on...
I agree with Kosher, this is going to ruffle some feather for you older guys but I really do not see why yall get all hot and bothered to see a 18 or 19 yr old, frankly creeps me out. when I see a 65 year old wanting to see a 18 year old... I have a 21 year old rule I try to stick to.,
blenderhead's Avatar
Oh, and another very popular girl told me she was a minor when she started P4P. Oops. And ignorance is no excuse when it comes to the law. Better safe than sorry.

21 and older girls are more fun anyway, in general.
You guys that have to question a teens age might try going to a strip club to hunt for younf blood. The id's are probably legit. There are a few veteran young blood hunters around here I'm sure. Maybe take advice from them? Just a suggestion.