Bartering Opportunity - Plumbing

ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
My title is pretty self explanatory. I have a great plumbing company that I LOVE but I have a bunch of things that need to be fixed, tightened, unstopped, unclogged, etc.

And I probably need an actual plumber or someone who is REALLY knowledgeable. In the past, a few friends have said that they could help with my miscellaneous list and well ... they couldn't or didn't.

I don't wish to waste anyone's time or have misgivings. So please, if you're interested, be sincere about your knowledge base.

I don't like to barter all that much for services but at this time, I will.

And I will be VERY gracious and giving for just the right man. If you're interested, please contact me directly by PM or e-mail me at This topic can be closed.
