Has anyone

yourdesire's Avatar
heard of big sex map?
  • JFK66
  • 11-19-2023, 06:48 PM
You made me look. 👀
outlawsprint's Avatar
New ourhome or will it take off??
yourdesire's Avatar
I don't know what it will do. Apparently it's a site where both parties are reviewed but both get to have say on there reviews. I set up a profile so I'll see what happens. JFK , what did you think of the site?
Not sure if I would use it. I don't want to put my photo or location out there. The website needs some work to be useful in my opinion. Most of the profiles out there look like samples. I don't see anyone real out there.
yourdesire's Avatar
I can't seem to get to other profiles, I put a profile on there probably a year ago and nothing. I updated it but can't seem to see anything beyond my own profile. Strange things
Just got on the site and they want some info to just register. Not sure I am willing to give an email out besides anything else they want. YD have you chatted with anyone on it?
yourdesire's Avatar
I actually deleted my profile from there. Strange site or format at least.
dumars's Avatar
I bet they want my credit card number . . . FUCK THAT!!! And $35 . . . a month?!

People who pay that are the ones who pay deposits!!!

My momma might’ve raised an idiot but she didn’t raise no dumb ass!!!

Tried a domain search . . . https://www.site24x7.com/tools/find-...-web-site.html

You can see the results yourself! Stay away, stay far, far away!!! Somebody’s hiding!!
yourdesire's Avatar
thanks Dumar, I already deleted my profile. one thing I find strange is that it's actually been up for a few years.
dumars's Avatar
thanks Dumar, I already deleted my profile. one thing I find strange is that it's actually been up for a few years. Originally Posted by yourdesire
2 years I think. Not that long!

What was intriguing to me was how unprofessional the site is, very obviously not written by native English speakers, hard to get around! Just don’t pass the smell test, pretty rank actually . . . according to me!!
yourdesire's Avatar
Dumar, I must have found it when it first went up. I couldn't see anything beyond my profile that's why I was asking if anyone else had heard of this site. Either way I deleted my profile so I'm done with the conversation on it thanks for chiming in
Yes I have seen the site. I did not register but liked the format of matching what the guest wanted specifically from the provider. I think that would be a good start to getting two people into an exciting session. What do you think about that?
yourdesire's Avatar
I agree that Part is great, if you can get to it. I couldn't get past my profile. Nice to see ya on the boards jf, welcome. It's not as fun as it used to be but some of us are still here. xoxo
CatMan4u's Avatar
Yes this site has changed
People not doing reviews band providers not allowing reviews has hurt all of us. Because of this policy i don't prospect much anymore I read alot of half hearted sessions