Ladies, what are your two biggest client problems?

littlepickle's Avatar
I think this was mentioned by Slim. the other day in another post, thought why not get both sides of the story.

What are your two biggest client problems?
1. Mediocre DATY - If you don't know what you're doing down there, then I suggest you take instruction or shut your mouth. A woman is not a chew toy. I refuse to lay back and fake an orgasm when it's just horrible.

2. When a new client asks about specials and starts bitching about my rates. Major turn off!
Yes! Thanks for posting this.
Okay, so here it goes:

1. Attempting to haggle rates-I hate when a hobbyist asks "What's the least amount you would take for...XYZ" umm..the donation request I set IS the lowest I'll accept already! And trying to shave off different activities on the menu will not lower the price,either, so don't ask. I had someone ask, "what if I just want to DATY? Can't I just give you $20?? I mean, I'm not getting anything out of it!" Yes you have to be, since you are the one who brought it up.

2. Constant texting/messaging: we have a life too and cannot sit there and text you all day. I especially hate this when someone doesn't even have an appointment set with me, but he wants me to give him my undivided attention because he is THINKING about setting an appointment. No, absolutely not. And don't assume that when I don't reply to you 400 texts that it's because I'm with someone. My life is not centered around the hobby. I go to the movies, eat dinner and watch TV like anyone else does. And sometimes I just want to be alone and not be bothered by anyone, so I turn my phone on silent.
1) hagglers....I could go an a long rant, but I will refrain.

2) gents that can't keep from crossing boundaries.....a) if you book a certain amt of time, help me keep an eye on it. Don't make me be a clock watcher.
b) gents that try to get too personal.....
c) quit talking about other ladies in session. I don't care how unprofessional, bitchy, or even how great they are. Let's focus on OUR time. We know variety is the spice of life. We see your reviews
Man, this is great...!
Keep 'em cumin' ladies! Love it!
I coulda predickted the "rate haggle dance"...

This could be the thread of the up, girls...
Basically everything that has already been mentioned. I would like to add that I don't like guys talking about my regulars or hobby friends. "I'm not like your loser clients and don't bunch me in with them." I have had friends since I started my career providing and I adore and respect them. So I'm not just going to sit there and listen to negativity.

Also, being that DFW is the capital of the hobby world in the USA, alot of people know one another. If I stop being your friend, it's usually because of something you did or said about or to me. Guys are just as bad when it comes to gossip and it's not cute.

Please don't talk about my personal life or hobby affairs to people that I don't trust or know. It will eventually come back to me and I will no longer allow you in my life. Period!

Emotional vampires is another one.
I was wondering when this thread was gna come up!
1. HAGGLERS!!!!!!
2. Time wasters. Please dnt pm me with no intention of booking an appt, just to get pics/or someone to talk dirty to you. Completely annoying.

Everything else I have managed to just blow off, besides the obvious. Request for bbfs.
what are emotional vampires? I'm not familiar with the term, but I am wondering if I have come across some without even knowing!
Hercules's Avatar
we have a life too Originally Posted by Slim.
NOOOOOOOOOO! Your sole purpose in life is to be sexy, horny and ready at a moments notice, 24/7, to satisfy the trouser mouses' appetite!
what are emotional vampires? I'm not familiar with the term, but I am wondering if I have come across some without even knowing! Originally Posted by Slim.
Emotional vampires are people who suck the good out of any relationship, it is all about them and their problem(s) ad nauseam and giving their unwanted know it all negative opinion about others or something, trying to redirect attention to something else (their agenda) and trampling over any good vibe that you my have trying to get you down to their misery level.
what are emotional vampires? I'm not familiar with the term, but I am wondering if I have come across some without even knowing! Originally Posted by Slim.
Emotional Vampires - people that "suck the good" out of every relationship. Rather than feasting on blood (like the vampires of legend), they feed on the positive energy or good feelings that exist in a relationship. Also, unlike the traditional vampires of legend, emotional vampires are very real, and take shape in the form of people we interact with and try and befriend.

If you are friends with an emotional vampire, your entire view of friendships can be skewed. Emotional vampires are dangerous because they don't attack head on, but rather work their way into your psyche little by little. Their actions are not overt, so in order to figure them out you might question their intentions and loyalty. All of this emotional energy can be better spent in dealing with the good clients you have instead.

Dealing With People Who Drain You Dry -
By Albert Bernstein <----- One of my latest great reads.
littlepickle's Avatar
very interesting points ladies. Keep'em comin.
Also, it's not as problematic or prevalent during the winter, but smelly and sweatiness. Please, please shower before I start licking in between all your nooks and crannies.

When attempting to lick my tonsils, please have fresh breath. I guess a bad kisser can make things a bit ackward as well. But I don't mind showing the way.
2.Body odor
3.Garlic breath ughhh!!
4.Time wasters
5. Clients that want more than a client provider relationship...( I dont need a boyfriend) Oops! that was more than 2 oh well...haha
I dislike when gents say they are interested in a NURU session , but want to do EVERY single other activity (me lick their Asshole, toes, fetishes etc.) underneath the sun to not pay my hour rate.

I also dislike it when gents write a lengthy PM not interested in setting up an appointment ie "Fantasy Bookers". Back and forth PMs with no sincere intent as if I enjoy it and have no life. One gent who I've seen ONCE nearly two years ago seems to believe I eat, Shit, and breathe the board and has recently found my number and texts me striking up Hobby convo. Sheesh, just come get your cock sucked, hehehe!