I want to open a strip club

This place will be for guys that are married or have SO.
1 No smoking that is the main reason I cant go when I walk in the house everyone asks where have you been you stink
2. no lipstick nothing is worse than lipstick on the collar
3. No glitter Nothing is worse when your wife says whats that glitter on your face
Fun stuff
Private VIP rooms
body rub rooms
3 to 4 stages
fast lunch
Just some things I would like what do you think
sparrow1122's Avatar
Go for it. Post the grand opening date when you know when you open!
BigTex77's Avatar
I'm in post details when you are ready to go.
OldGrump's Avatar
May I take a load off of you and conduct interviews?

Just build it and we will come.
I dont know how but would love a nonsmoking club at least
billw1032's Avatar
I don't know where you Dallas guys have been, but last I heard all Dallas clubs are non-smoking. And, there are probably some legal limitations on private VIP rooms. But, sounds great. Go for it.
Brot's Avatar
  • Brot
  • 01-28-2015, 06:24 PM
Good luck getting strippers to fall in line with that. Just recently had one who had gotten that spray tan crap leave me looking like I had a brown Jesus on my shirt and britches.
This place will be for guys that are married or have SO. Originally Posted by mikecross
Please name the club "Cheaters".
Please name the club "Cheaters". Originally Posted by BrownSugarBaby
Name it "Cheetahs". Think of all the Cougars you'll attract.
Oh wait...we already have Jaguars...
RAMP's Avatar
  • RAMP
  • 01-29-2015, 06:36 AM
You might want to get "permission" first. And I'm not talking about city or P&Z.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm probably not the market you're looking for.. I can deal with smoke, glitter, lipstick, etc., as long as you field hot ladies that put out
Georgy9803's Avatar
no thanks for me. don't want to mess with anything related to the Mexican mafia.
yes, I know we're talking bout Cuba, but I bet as soon as things open up for the US, the Mex mafia will be right there to cash in and test the Cuban govt..
Wouldn't it be easier to just provide a shower for the guys before they leave?
Bob McV's Avatar
Wouldn't it be easier to just provide a shower for the guys before they leave? Originally Posted by Emary Preston
Then you could name it "The Gym" and have it be cheesy 80s workout theme.

TexTushHog's Avatar
I don't know how serious you are about this, but I have a decidedly negative take on this. Do you have any expertise or experience in running a strip club? Or a night club or any type? I'm sure it may look easy to you from the outside, or you may have some pet peeves you think you can avoid. But everything in life looks easier to those on the outside than they really are.

I'm not intimately familiar with the strip club business. But it strikes me that clubs go out of business on a fairly regular basis. And that is presumably with experienced management. They also seem to be somewhat disfavored among planning and zoning types and blue haired civic do-gooders. So they have to fight in court and in local legislative bodies to stay open. I also take in you have no experience in first amendment litigation? And because they are somewhat politically unpopular, they are always under intense scrutiny from TABC personnel and have to be certain to dot their "i's" and cross their "t's" on all TABC matters. Do you have expertise in that? It's also a big cash business. Lots of tax compliance stuff and fraud/theft prevention issue to attend to. Is this a strong suit of yours?

And assuming I'm correct about my presumptions about your experience, what makes you think you can succeed at this business when others who have been down this road many times before, have failed? Personally, it sounds like a financial disaster waiting to happen.