Screening --- Passport?

Okay ... I shot off a quick YIM to a provider earlier that I had on my radar. When she replied, she started asking some "screening questions" After she asked about "nationality", and I responded "caucasion", she asks if I have a passport. Never had that one come up before ... wondering if she didn't understand that Cau=white or not ... but she was hung up on the passport thing ...

Guess a passport is needed for a "trip to Greece"?

Another day ... another "head shaker"
Perhaps she was dumbfounded by the caucasian statement since it is not a nationality (nor does it necessarily mean "white") .

But I do agree that is an unusual question to ask. For those providers wondering...I have the Russian motherland flowing through my blood.
I guess you're right ... just a strange experience ... kinda strange questions the whole way through ... finally just had to say ... "nice to meet you" and "wishing you all the best" worries. Lemme know who it was. I'll be happy to answer her question in four different languages (in which, I'm 100% fluent in).
Saying "not black" usually gets me through the doors.