Another meaningless thread: Turkey

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Turkey is besieged with protests that are growing more violent with each passing day. The violence is coming from the government. Prime Minister Erdogan is an Islamist. He has been replacing the top members of the military with Islamic officers, he has been replacing the judges in the judiciary with Islamists, he has been issuing (not passing) new laws forbidding drinking, smoking, and revealing clothing for women. Erdogan has been trying to drive a wedge between the west and the Turkish people. The people are angry and protesting in the face of the governemt. With all of this why does Obama consider Erdogan one of the top five leaders/friends of the US in the world. Obama says that Erdogan is an example of how a government should govern. Obama kisses Erdogan's ass.

Will Turkey fall? Will the Islamic Brotherhood weasel they way into more control? We have US assets in Turkey, will they have to leave or fight? Is this just another meaningless thread or is just too far above your head to consider?
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I guess you have your answer, JD. It's amazing the kind of leaders Obama respects.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar

SSOB trying to understand the OP.
Got a link to your rant or is this your opinion?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 06-13-2013, 06:17 AM
This posts shows exactly how little JD knows about world politics.

It does show what a partisian hack he is though.

And his little Tonto , GOC is never far behind, usually right behind as in JD's behind...
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I see that SSOB knows his new name and that he has to admit that he read this thread.

Of course neither response above seems to oppose what I wrote but just opposes me exercising my first amendment freedoms. Fucking fascists!