listen providers, a lot of us hobbyists have S.O's as you well know. If I call you and we can't get something up I don't need you blowing up my f-ing phone everyday for the next two weeks telling me you are free. It will get you an automatic blacklist on my root call blocker. I'll never even know you sent the message.

And that's being nice. If I didn't have a blocker that worked at the system level of the phone as most people don't, I would make sure every review you had let people know that you are a troll. Most ring once and then disconnect or message pops up but instantly deletes.

This lady works with a provider that has been around for years so she should know proper etiquette by now. I won't ruin anyone's business but seriously if you can't find clients so bad you have to text my phone every morning on the dot perhaps you should get a job to supplement your income.
Sleepy363's Avatar
get google voice, or a hobby phone. stop using your personal phone. You are asking to get caught if you don't.
I'm sorry, I just miss you.
Bizz!! If I've told you and CanDo once, I've told you a thousand times--- DONT CALL BEGGING, just hike those skirts up a little higher and flash those cars as they pass!!!
more likely to get caught with hobby phone than my normal phone. S.O. could find hobby phone. I block any number or any escort i call until i need them to be able to reach me. phone doesn't so much as make a peep, no ring, no sms no anything. How could I possibly get caught. Only reason I know i missed calls is I have the records forwarded to a private email and see all my blocked calls.
mansfield's Avatar
more likely to get caught with hobby phone than my normal phone. S.O. could find hobby phone.
Google Voice, Skype.... nothing to get caught with.

Move into the 21st century before you get busted.
well stop laying pipe so well lmao
Yeah, see thats why I'm afraid to return calls or texts if an hour or two has already passed. theres no telling where or who youd be with after that much time. sorry uou have to go through that!
DorkLover's Avatar
How could I possibly get caught. Originally Posted by unteagle
Famous last words of people who soon post a retirement thread.

Dude, listen to the advice and use Google Voice, or you will eventually get caught. Then your SO will start calling all the numbers listed on your bill or your online statement that she will get access to.
either way. youre right.
she shouldnt be calling w/o permission
She contacts you everyday on the dot...who has that kind of time?

+1 on the Google voice, and I believe there is a blocking feature.
Didn't think of Google voice. But I dnt receive a bill, computer is encrypted, phone locked and on silent all the time.
cheatercheater's Avatar
Find time to go see her when she calls again. Then show up late, pay in crumpled small bills, take a dump before starting, fart during, and finish on her hair. She will never call again.
Find time to go see her when she calls again. Then show up late, pay in crumpled small bills, take a dump before starting, fart during, and finish on her hair. She will never call again. Originally Posted by cheatercheater
And if that doesn't work, marry her.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
I use the 5 minute rule on a missed call, if I cant call back in 5 minutes I dont call at all. Its very unprofessional of her to call you like that, everyone is right, google voice.