Random thought about providers accepting CC

Since I have zero other people to talk about hobbying with, y’all usually steer me right or at least entertain me when Im bored and home alone

I understand theres risks to any business accepting CC, especially a provider. But with apps like venmo and cash app plus paypal f&f, Ive seen a lot more providers accepting CC or some electronic payment. Which is good for me as I can usually manage some fun funds into a rathole easier than I can explain cash atm withdrawals to the SO.

That being said, Ive noticed that the providers I have done this with almost always use their Real Life identity for the CC part. Im not interested in being a wierdo or stalker but honestly I keep going back to the ones who use a bf’s name/info or some fake business name simply because it would be easier to explain to SO that I let my buddy “Steve” borrow $150 I may never see again, than some 20 ish spinner smoking a J in the app profile pic With as screenname Cardi B would blush at lol.

Even though I know there could be some legalities and hurdles with an actual cc merchant using an alternative “name” that shows up on the CC charge, seems like these apps would be ripe for it and easier for everyone. Thoughts? Im no biz person so im genuinely curious, and obviously bored today !

Another cc thing that floored me - I did a trial with Ashley Madison and used a burner card the SO didnt know about. Forgot to cancel (never had a single but of luck) and when the first charge hit it was an EASILY googled and revealing acronym , and my cardholder actually labeled it on the second line as “adult and escort services”.. so much for anonymity!
aim2pleez's Avatar
NOPE...unless you want a paper trail, nix PayPal, credit, cards, etc. I call that "evidence".
NOPE...unless you want a paper trail, nix PayPal, credit, cards, etc. I call that "evidence". Originally Posted by aim2pleez
I agree. If things were different Id still do cash only, BUT let me give you just enough backstory to explain my position.

I was ALWAYS a cash guy. Had a second burner phone, did everything the most covert way possible. Enjoyed several years of discreet hobbying like that. Then one day somehow, someway, as women seem to do, (well ok I was too drunk and sloppy one day and didnt cover my tracks!) the SO caught me. Thankfully she only caught me once and the “trail” otherwise was made to go away before anymore damage was done. Spent a few years being a good boy and doing the right thing, BUT, here I am again. If I didnt hobby, id have sex 2 times a year wether i needed it or not !

Now thanks to that last incident the accounts are still watched like a hawk, and suspicion is always lurking if things seem any little bit out of place, or doNt have a solid answer - like ATM withdrawn money I didnt have a specific reason for. It takes me WEEKS to discretely scrounge up $100 cash via loose change and cash back from grocery store trips.

Now give a horny man a few minutes and he will find a way.

Hypothetically Lets just pretend I am iin a position that not only would an occasional cc or app payment be normal, its SO normal I could call my SO and have her make the payment and no one would question it. I wouldnt but that is no exaggeration as to how normal occasionally sending $100-$300 via those methods to someone is in my routine.

Is it fool proof ? Absolutely not and certainly riskier than cash in the long run or a perfect world. BUT It would hypothetically let me hobby occasionally with pristine young spinners, and without having to look for 40 buck street deals . Hence my statement above about Venmo’ing to boyfriends or rando business names acct is preferred than a providers real life one.
My observation and discussion topic was geared more towards the whole real life info out there for anyone who happens by. Just seems wierd to me, even though hobbyists cover thier tracks for a different reason.
LindseyLacey's Avatar
Question please.
Are you able to send an Amazon gift card ?
( without causing suspicion or concern?)

This has been working very well for me.
And for clients.
I have more than one email address that will not draw attention.

You send it through the amazon app on your phone when you arrive.
I redeem.
Therapy begins.

Kind Regards,
Lindsey Lacey
Question please.
Are you able to send an Amazon gift card ?
( without causing suspicion or concern?)

This has been working very well for me.
And for clients.
I have more than one email address that will not draw attention.

You send it through the amazon app on your phone when you arrive.
I redeem.
Therapy begins.

Kind Regards,
Lindsey Lacey Originally Posted by LindseyLacey
I hadnt even thought of the amazon gc. Interesting angle. I like that youre smart enough to realize the email cant be a mix of street slang and what the payment is ACTUALLY for at gmail lol

In my particular situation that would only work once in a blue moon though as paying people directly via an app or paypal is my normal/baseline. But something to consider.

Btw Lindsey - you came up in an unrelated search yesterday. You are lovely!
Randall Creed's Avatar
Make a separate account, at a different bank. With this bank you can opt for electronic statements only, i.e. no mail.

The trick of course would be getting money into the account. One way is payment split, where portions of your direct deposit goes into another account.

I'm sure you've thought of this already. It's gotta be tough to be a married hobbyist. I couldn't imagine the agony. One of the benefits of being single is not having to explain where your money goes.
Brandofan's Avatar
Unless she's the one out working and paying the bills then you shouldn't have to explain ATM withdrawals as long as all the bills are paid. Plus since you're here she must not being taking care of her end of the business in the boudoir, so why even be married? Thankfully I will never have to deal with that shit ever again.
NOPE...unless you want a paper trail, nix PayPal, credit, cards, etc. I call that "evidence". Originally Posted by aim2pleez
LindseyLacey's Avatar
Thank-You for the compliment.
Accepting Amazon gift cards has worked for me for many years.
I understand that this will not work for everyone.

Kind Regards,
Lindsey Lacey
I got busted many years ago when I was still new to the hobby. Leave no paper trail for certain. Hobby phone, and if you use a credit card, make sure no one else can access it. Miss Lindsey is correct in regards to the amazon payment. Just be careful no one asks whom it was sent to!
rcinokc's Avatar
Make a separate account, at a different bank. With this bank you can opt for electronic statements only, i.e. no mail.

The trick of course would be getting money into the account. One way is payment split, where portions of your direct deposit goes into another account. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
This is how I do it, but I still only pay cash.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
I have Venmo I put a fake name on it so easy with a non escort email.
I have Square reader same thing
Cash App same thing ..
I have a email that I use for screening that's not lustybustygina and I don't use it for ads or on any escort site so if you Google it will not show up.

Every woman should have NON Escort Email
Sherry of DFW's Avatar
CASH is best--safe, not traceable to either the girl or the guy
Why take unnecessary chances?