Paris Starr is a rip off

ASPD Handyman's Avatar
Paris Starr took my money and provided no service. I would stay away from this girl. She is bad news.
trynagetlaid's Avatar
Sorry to hear this happened to you. Moving to CO-Ed as its not really Alert material.

This is for Issues which could endanger the safety of a member or members of our community go here. Please reserve this space for legitimate alerts, and not general FYI material.

Oh, its also not nessacery to post 2 reviews about the same incident
I'm sorry sweetheart but I didn't take your money, if this was the case why did you come back and see me for a 2nd visit? I'm sorry you could not afford a longer session but at the same time you can't expect me to give sessions away for free. Sorry you felt this way. :-(
I am guessing Bubba knows details we haven't heard yet because I am sure if this was a straight up scam or cash & dash he would have let it stay in the alert section.

Mister handyman, would you like to elaborate with some details or this a case of some fucked up chemistry between you two?