I hated being ghosted by Katy Leigh

PrairieFires's Avatar
I am posting this here because I don't think I can do an encounter report without the encounter actually happening. I had a trip to KC planned to go shopping and have lunch with a friend, so I thought I would try to see one of the local ladies. I contacted Katy Leigh on the 9th through ECCIE's messaging and texted her to set up. She responded asking if I couldn't do earlier than Thursday so we set up a Wednesday meeting and I called my friend to change lunch dates. He told me he had covid so I cancelled lunch and let her know I wasn't going to make the trip on the 10 early in the morning.

Yesterday I decided I needed to do the shopping anyway so I texted Katy Leigh back and explained my change of plans and asked if she was available and she was so we set up a 10 am today. She had given me the address. I said I would text her from the parking lot at 10 for her room number. I texted her at about 9:40 to request the information when I got to the general area. No response. Over the next hour I texted and called at least 6 times, her phone went to VM with a spanish message that I couldn't understand and no text response. I felt bad, confused and disappointed so I texted her that I hated being ghosted and then finally that I was going to have to post something here.

5 hours later I had been home for 2 and I got a series of texts saying she lost her phone and that I wasn't nice for threatening to post this. I assured her I wasn't threatening, and that her contacting me that much later did me no good. She asked how she could take care of me today but WTF, she knew I was long gone. I say all of this to say that this is 3rd time one of the ladies in KC has done this exact thing in the last year. Sonora did it and I think in the same darn housing area as this morning since sitting in the parking lot looked so familiar and Secret Desire had me sitting at 119th street waiting the same way. Why Ghost folks? If you don't want to see someone just tell them no. I have only experienced this in Kansas City, is this a Kansas City thing?
mojoworkin's Avatar
I lost my phone, and I fell asleep, usually means I was fucking someone else, so sorry.
Cherokeechief's Avatar
That same excuse was used with me from a supposed Top Eccie Provider in Springfield with a meeting that was set up weeks ahead of time as I was traveling from Florida. That's a Shitty thing to do to someone. I still might post it.
bikebryan's Avatar
This is precisely why I hate going to KC to hobby. I have made the trip from Topeka then been ghosted far too many times.

Many ladies state they want a deposit due to no shows. I sure wish I could get a deposit I can keep when ghosted.
This is precisely why I hate going to KC to hobby. I have made the trip from Topeka then been ghosted far too many times.

Many ladies state they want a deposit due to no shows. I sure wish I could get a deposit I can keep when ghosted. Originally Posted by bikebryan
This happens everywhere not just KC.
Possible she got better offer.
Doesnt make it right but it happens.
Cherokeechief's Avatar
This happens everywhere not just KC.
Possible she got better offer.
Doesnt make it right but it happens. Originally Posted by BigDeal
Ditto !
It's totally understandable if they get a better offer, it isn't asking too much to ask them to cancel ahead of time. They can make up whatever excuse they want for canceling, but the ghosting thing is terrible. It's also part of the game, it if you can't deal with it, you're in the wrong game.
Always have a plan B.
and C.
And D

Search STG and LC for reviewed ladies and make a mental note.
Always have a plan B.
and C.
And D

Search STG and LC for reviewed ladies and make a mental note. Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
Unfortunately this is exactly what happens and I've been ghosted, cancelled last minute as well many times, SO I have on a few occasions made prelim plans with a second lady and cancelled that day when the first one went through as scheduled. I've NEVER however just ghosted a lady. I know this may piss off some ladies to hear this, BUT this is exactly what happens when ladies don't keep appointments. Most of us gents aren't naive enough to actually believe that all of these ghosted and cancelled dates are legit. We know sometimes ladies take a better payday or double book to ensure that they actually have a date for that time, BUT it leads to this ridiculous cycle where both sides cover their ass to be sure an encounter happens. Generally I just deal with it, but there have been a few occasions where I really wanted to see someone and I've played this game as well. It sucks for both sides, but in the end everybody's looking out for #1.....
CaptainKaos's Avatar
Cancelling and Ghosting are two separate behaviors. Cancelling is acceptable because one party actually communicates with the other and cancels, and often reschedules. Ghosting forces someone to not cancel their plans, but to go ahead with their plans only to have their free time waster. This is avoidable and requires so little. This is why I want to go on strike.
Unfortunately this is exactly what happens and I've been ghosted, cancelled last minute as well many times, SO I have on a few occasions made prelim plans with a second lady and cancelled that day when the first one went through as scheduled. I've NEVER however just ghosted a lady. I know this may piss off some ladies to hear this, BUT this is exactly what happens when ladies don't keep appointments. Most of us gents aren't naive enough to actually believe that all of these ghosted and cancelled dates are legit. We know sometimes ladies take a better payday or double book to ensure that they actually have a date for that time, BUT it leads to this ridiculous cycle where both sides cover their ass to be sure an encounter happens. Generally I just deal with it, but there have been a few occasions where I really wanted to see someone and I've played this game as well. It sucks for both sides, but in the end everybody's looking out for #1..... Originally Posted by KCFalcon77
I'm suggesting using these sites for last minute sessions.
Just look for well reviewed ladies. Also Tryst.
" I got a gal that lives on the hill,
if she won't love me her sister will".
- Bo diddley

KatyLeigh007's Avatar
You said you wanted to come see me next time you were in town bud! So why write this up ? You want to see me still was what you said. But recommend nobody else does. Doesn’t make sense. Sorry things changed too much here. I can’t keep up.
I'm suggesting using these sites for last minute sessions.
Just look for well reviewed ladies. Also Tryst.
" I got a gal that lives on the hill,
if she won't love me her sister will".
- Bo diddley

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yeZHB3ozglQ Originally Posted by JohnnyGleet
My man, I've never booked anyone who's not well reviewed, never. So which site you use makes no difference whatsoever. It happens on all of them...