Thank You Eccie Community

I just want to say thanks and tell the Eccie community how much I appreciate you. Surfing around the various Eccie forums, I find great pleasure seeing hobbyists and providers that have such open views on sex and relationships that it makes me feel like I belong. After many years of marriage to a woman, that I still love, but who was raised with Victorian views of the body and sex (she is embarrassed about nudity and thinks legitimate sex positions are mish and girl on top -- oral would never be an option) the hobby gives me opportunities to fulfill my sexual needs and wants without constantly pushing my wife toward activities that she is uncomfortable with.

It is nice to know that I am not the only one that wants more than their SO wants to give. So to all of you ladies of Eccie I say thank you for being there for me
How sweet! I've never been to Texas, but all the gentlemen are like you, I'm on my way!
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LOL, my 2nd wife started out hot as hell and became Queen Victoria after about 5 years, that is why she is my exwife. Viva la Hobby!