
Question for anyone who can give me an answer.

I was given an infraction after I responded to guys giving me sh*t. My quandary in the situation was if I roll over and get f'd like a pussy then they just keep it up but if I respond back in the way in which they are coming at me I get an infraction. Now I cannot say if they got an infraction but I am willing to bet they did not. Now just because I responded tougher than they did doesn't mean I should have gotten an infraction because after all they brought it on themselves. The mods should have warned those guys for going off topic but they did not instead they waited and let it get out of hand and then I was given an infraction.

The problem I have with going to the mods in the Kansas City forum is they are pals with the gents who came sideways at me. The mods allowed the negative comments to continue and the thread to be hijacked by the other gents who wanted to attack me. The mods allowed the thread to be hijacked for 24 hours before stepping in and their immediate response was to give me an infraction. I have a distrust for the Kansas City mods because in my opinion they have been shown to be biased...dishing out punishments that are not fair and balanced.

Should a guy roll over and get kicked in the balls letting dudes who want to control the board say what they want and attack whomever they decide is not in their clique or is responding to the threat and snuffing it out appropriate. I don't think I should have been given an infraction but just thought I would get others opinions.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... attack whomever they decide is not in their click .... Originally Posted by Jayhawker
Two thoughts:

If you're going to bold one word in a long rambly post, SPELL IT THE FUCK CORRECTLY - clique, not click - because it sets you up for ridicule; and

What, was Mommy not available to go cry to?
Two thoughts: One of them obviously wasn't to just answer the question instead of being a retarded jerk (and that is me being nice)

If you're going to bold one word in a long rambly post, SPELL IT THE FUCK CORRECTLY - clique, not click - because it sets you up for ridicule; and

What, was Mommy not available to go cry to? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Good catch.

I just used your mom since she was on the corner waiting for a problem solved. I'll tuck you in bed tonight since you are still staying at home.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Mom smack? No wonder they abuse you in KC.
inspector farquar's Avatar
Question for anyone who can give me an answer.

I was given an infraction after I responded to guys giving me sh*t. My quandary in the situation was if I roll over and get f'd like a pussy then they just keep it up but if I respond back in the way in which they are coming at me I get an infraction. Now I cannot say if they got an infraction but I am willing to bet they did not. Now just because I responded tougher than they did doesn't mean I should have gotten an infraction because after all they brought it on themselves. The mods should have warned those guys for going off topic but they did not instead they waited and let it get out of hand and then I was given an infraction.

The problem I have with going to the mods in the Kansas City forum is they are pals with the gents who came sideways at me. The mods allowed the negative comments to continue and the thread to be hijacked by the other gents who wanted to attack me. The mods allowed the thread to be hijacked for 24 hours before stepping in and their immediate response was to give me an infraction. I have a distrust for the Kansas City mods because in my opinion they have been shown to be biased...dishing out punishments that are not fair and balanced.

Should a guy roll over and get kicked in the balls letting dudes who want to control the board say what they want and attack whomever they decide is not in their clique or is responding to the threat and snuffing it out appropriate. I don't think I should have been given an infraction but just thought I would get others opinions. Originally Posted by Jayhawker

Waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
chicagoboy's Avatar
How can we advise you if you don't provide a linck to the post in question?
Mom smack? No wonder they abuse you in KC. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Na no abuse going on. They know not to come at me because I don't let you keyboard gangsters come at me sideways.

You came at me with mom smack so I smack back harder now you want to act like your feelings are hurt.
How can we advise you if you don't provide a linck to the post in question? Originally Posted by chicagoboy
Thread added.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Na no abuse going on. They know not to come at me because I don't let you keyboard gangsters come at me sideways.

What is a keyboard gangster exactly? How do you expect to engage someone in a meaningful manner if you make generalizations about them, call them names, while neglecting to focus on what they wrote?

You came at me with mom smack

I have just met you but it seems that Reading Comprehension is an issue. My comment was on the whiney tone of your OP. I was, quite clearly, mocking you, and not your mother.

so I smack back harder

Really? By suggesting I live with my mother? What a wallop! Can I have another?

now you want to act like your feelings are hurt.

I can assure you - my feelings are not hurt. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
I will repeat: I can see why the dudes in KC pick on you. It has likely been a lifelong condition?
I will repeat: I can see why the dudes in KC pick on you. It has likely been a lifelong condition? Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
Yea, I am picked on...sure you are right.

Now that I have acknowledged you maybe you will go back into that hole you crawled out of.
tia travels's Avatar're not being very nice.

Jayhawker...don't worry, then points will go away soon enough.
I just wasted way too much of my life reading that thread...

Honey, even when you try to be nice you are kinda off-putting. Yes, I know I'm doing that as well right now. The difference is that I'm aware of it.

I'm not sure why the OP in the thread referenced didn't just get a WK to post in the ML for her. I'm also not sure why Jayhawker is so....obsessed.

Jay you should be aware that the MORE you bring attention to the thread, keep posting in the thread, and even making this post on the national level you are actually hurting the lady's business? The longer you fight and keep pushing the original thread to the top the more views and publicity it gets. You are trying to help but in the end you are causing more harm.

Also how do you know that no one else got infractions? You yourself are making baseless speculations.
I just wasted way too much of my life reading that thread...

Honey, even when you try to be nice you are kinda off-putting. Yes, I know I'm doing that as well right now. The difference is that I'm aware of it.

I'm not sure why the OP in the thread referenced didn't just get a WK to post in the ML for her. I'm also not sure why Jayhawker is so....obsessed.

Jay you should be aware that the MORE you bring attention to the thread, keep posting in the thread, and even making this post on the national level you are actually hurting the lady's business? The longer you fight and keep pushing the original thread to the top the more views and publicity it gets. You are trying to help but in the end you are causing more harm.

Also how do you know that no one else got infractions? You yourself are making baseless speculations. Originally Posted by SAangel27
What you wrote is kind of odd and nonsensical but hey I will address some of it.

I literally mentioned that I cannot say if they got warnings or infractions. I mentioned that in the thread that you wasted your life reading and commenting that you wasted your life and if I may add you basically wasted your life and your next one at that because you had to write and let us know you wasted your life.

At any rate.

I defended her because the provider in question had made the claim other times about other providers and I was like why should she be able to do it. So your advice is to let her make the attack and not say anything?

It is now more about the mods allowing this to go on and assessing infractions when I was the one who was attacked.

I made it a thread to ask because of my distrust of putting reviews on ECCIE thus I cannot send private messages so my appeal had to be public.

It is funny because I literally mentioned I didn't know who all received probably just missed that as you were wasting your life.
I agree with SAangel.

This appears to be the basis of your national thread.

Now I cannot say if they got an infraction but I am willing to bet they did not. Originally Posted by Jayhawker
Unless you can verify the assumption above, learn from the infraction about your own behavior and move forward.
Right you say you don't know yet you are willing to bet they didn't....and say the the punishments are not fair or balanced....EVERYONE can read between the lines.

How in the world do you not have the ability to send PM's? I know several lurkers who communicate with me via PM. They don't have PA.

As for your comments about me wasting my life. The reason I started reading the whole thing to begin with was because you asked. I thought "Maybe this guy actually has something to be mad about...I'll check it out".....Lo and behold the only person you should mad at is yourself. I called the entire exercise a waste of my time because instead of finding that you had any reason to feel like an injustice had been done...I found your posts in all their glory and a thread that in my opinion shouldn't be in co-ed.