side effect of no-shows.

Since i have yet to see or review any ladies on this board, i have a question.

With the amount of no-shows for out-of-town ladies and even some locals, will Buffalo become a wasteland devoid of first rate talent? Leaving us guys with no choice other than backpage and craigs.

Ladies i'm particularly. Interested in your take on this subject.
lilylivered's Avatar
No shows go both ways. You will find you have to have a back up plan or two. Imagine the girls feel the same
jonboy52's Avatar
Talking to providers, it seems they avoid Syracuse due to a high percentage of NCNS. Personally, I have no SO and make my own schedule, I can book 2 months out and it's solid.
Guest072118's Avatar
Ive personally never had a no show in Buffalo. I book well there with a wait list usually.

No shows happen.
jokacz's Avatar
Ive personally never had a no show in Buffalo. I book well there with a wait list usually.

No shows happen. Originally Posted by ElleW
Get a big set of bolt ons, give CBJ, and charge 400 bucks an hour.

Let me know how that works out. LOL
Reputation in this business goes a long way. Having a solid reputation goes a long way to ensuring a lady can command a good rate. For the gentleman, ladies will remember that you took care of business correctly and respectfully. Even though certain providers may avoid certain areas, thus denying gentleman the privilege of dating them, other providers will fill the void. As long as there is a demand for ladies, they will ensure a supply.
bella0203's Avatar
Guys treat a ladie's time with little respect. No shows, shorting us/haggling, wasting our time intentionally. Then we have to be jerks n truly don't want to be. I'm afraid to send multiple pics n answer multiple sexual questions bc so many guys just wanna chat n never book. Or book n never show. Rates stay high bc of all the time put in for no return. Guys want lower rates but don't understand the big picture always. We spends hours upon hours screening, sending pics, answering questions and it often yields no return. If you did the math on how many hours we spend setting up appointments, screening, answering questions, getting ready, hair, makeup, and if a parent, booking n paying sitters. We truly don't make half as much per hour as ppl assume.

Imagine spending all that time chatting over a few days leading up to an appointment (screening, answering questions, etc) some guys are simple but many like to chat first n get a feel for you. Then you get ready..shave, hair, makeup, picking out an outfit. Then pay for a sitter and/or incall, only to have them no show or cancel last minute! I know life happens but sometimes It's just lack of respect for our time. Hours are wasted every day!

Girls will waste guys time too. It's less often on here but it happens! If everyone had a little respect n thought of others it would drastically improve things overall for everyone. The bad eggs ruin it though.

We greatly appreciate the wonderful guys who quickly give reference or screening info, ask basic questions, then book, and show up on time. Guys are often late but still expect the full time and if you give them less they'll pay for that, regardless of what they booked for. If you want special treatment then the way to getting it is...RESPECT! Guys who consistently are respectful absolutely get more out of it. I don't mind sending extra pics between sessions or a few texts, and am understanding if slightly late, IF they've always been good to me. Don't no show on me then expect new pics, 30 texts the next day, and to show up late, or get some free extra time. Time is money, literally! I'm not a clock watcher but if you're already late then it's very rude to let the appointment run over, too. Especially if you no showed previously. I feel you've already been given a lot of my time for free, in that case. On the other hand, if you book easily and show up on time then you'll get a relaxed, non rusted encounter! If I feel you have no respect for me or my time then I feel dumb going above n beyond for you. I'll always offer great service, regardless. Just don't expect extras if you can't do basic things n not waste my time (essentially costing me money).

I'd love to hear what clients would like to see us improve on and what bothers them most. Scams are a given but I'm sure there's other less serious issues.
bella0203's Avatar
Also, making me ask for the money is a huge pet peeve. I've had a few guys try to walk out without paying. I can tell it's not accidental either (I know their personality n this type seems to truly think bc we had a great session that maybe I don't want to be paid for it). I hate bringing up money. I will wait till they're opening door before asking, giving them every opportunity to do it themselves first. This typically happens after a genuinely great session. They don't realize that behavior makes me feel differently about them n that amazing connection we had is now affected. The better you treat us, the better we treat you! If you have an amazing session...TIP! We will greatly appreciate it and see that you appreciate us and we will genuinely want to go above n beyond for you!
ben dover's Avatar
Very well expressed Bella. The only pet peeve I have is getting to an appointment on time or early then waiting 5-10 minutes PAST the time to get the text with the room number. Add 5 more minutes to find the room... Now a lot of girls have appointments set close so the end time will be the same essentially cutting the appointment short. Now this is a lot of times caused by the appointment before was late getting there and so late leaving. .. BD
jokacz's Avatar
I suspect that there is a reason why Sara Charles never gets any closer to Buffalo than Rochester.
JennerJammer's Avatar
will Buffalo become a wasteland devoid of first rate talent? Originally Posted by mokgp2017
Why would the hobby in Buffalo be any different than the political and business climate, or the sports teams?
I am not going to quote bella word for word, but she makes many valid and excellent points. I'm all any of us want is respect.
Alchemist2u's Avatar
... I hate bringing up money. I will wait till they're opening door before asking, giving them every opportunity to do it themselves first. Originally Posted by bella0203
I agree with you it should not happen. But a couple times when I stopped by, I put an envelope out in plain sight when I came in. You didn't notice it until I was ready to leave and then, when asked, I pointed out that it was already there. Point: Hiding in plain sight seems to happen. Not a criticism, just an observation.
bella0203's Avatar
Alchemist, you must have another situation confused. I've never had to ask you for money. unless maybe you thought I didn't see it bc I didn't pick it up so you then handed it to me at the end. I've never had an issue with you, everrrr. I'm speaking about two ppl who truly did not leave money n I had to ask as they were leaving n they seemed almost hurt that I was asking. It was awkward. I've had regulars genuinely forget bc we get caught up talking. I'd never ever put that in the same category.