Former JPS official convicted in the 2017 murder of 2 women who had blackmailed him

xzbuzz's Avatar
TinMan's Avatar
Hard to feel sorry for anyone in this sordid story.
wow, one of them was a hottie. too bad they pushed someone too far. she looks pretty "innocent" and cute (krista)
RicardusRex68's Avatar
What a dumbfuck! Invite two gals from Backpage to your office so they know you have high-level, reputable position in a large public institution. Yeah, what could possibly go wrong?
Just remember there consequences to every thing u do now he has gotten Life w/o
Parole!! He should have called their bluff at worst he would be divorced and paying
Monthly child support.
TinMan's Avatar
Well, since he invited them to his office he likely would have lost his job, too. Of course, shooting them in a bank parking lot wasn’t a great career move, either.
  • Kaiju
  • 07-24-2022, 07:40 PM
Just remember there consequences to every thing u do now he has gotten Life w/o
Parole!! He should have called their bluff at worst he would be divorced and paying
Monthly child support. Originally Posted by Financeman22
And look what they got. Lessons all around… John and provider alike.
Pangolier's Avatar
The article doesn't even cite that those two girls had sex with the guy, it just states they showed up at his office and words were exchanged, with a possible massage and implications he may have solicited them for "extras"

Dead or alive, those two girls made a decision to prey on someone, in this case to the tune of several thousand dollars. Young enough that they were potentially capable of changing their behavior, but there's also no guarantee they wouldn't have lived on to continue engaging in similar practices. However, I'll bet they probably didn't expect to die over blackmail, otherwise they wouldn't have driven to that bank parking lot.

Just goes to show you never know who you are dealing with out there... Simply because he held a prestigious position at a medical facility was not an indication he wasn't willing to kill. You could wind up deliberately driving dangerously around a stranger's car on the road, and that person could make a decision to pull a gun and snuff your life out on a moment's notice, and you'd never see it coming. You never know who you are dealing with when it comes to a person you haven't interacted with before. This guy brought a gun with him to the meeting, even if he did not initially intend to use it. The article says they sat in his car for several minutes before fleeing, so words were exchanged before he made a decision to shoot.

Regardless, I don't think this has much to do with sex work. There's no evidence the girls ever shagged for money, in fact the evidence points to them being scam artists and extortionist. From what I read it doesn't appear they ever planned to take up a legit profession of providing services for money, but rather wanted to make a quick buck by using information against someone. Also, while it does happen, I don't think shooting at people is the typical response to blackmail either, as most people know the legal ramifications for that are far more serious.
ahab11's Avatar
I remember this story hard to believe the guy thought this was his only option and he was a Health Care Professional.......OK Professional is a bit of a stretch.

If faced with extortion or blackmail find an experienced PI (Private Investigator) as they know what is legal and have a playbook on how to deal with blackmail.

Not cheap but those guys know what is legal and can find out the background on anyone with minimal information.

There was a FW provider who was fronting as a sweetheart country girl next door who blackmailed a couple of guys. Karma caught up with her big time and she still has the nerve to post on OH2 with a poor me about health and mental issues.....LOL What could go wrong with sending letters to a guys neighbors with copies of his OH2 reviews over a session gone bad ? Oh yeah he could hire a PI who finds out she is on probation and well a PO does not like being played.
Ralph Fults's Avatar
Regardless, I don't think this has much to do with sex work. There's no evidence the girls ever shagged for money, in fact the evidence points to them being scam artists and extortionist. From what I read it doesn't appear they ever planned to take up a legit profession of providing services for money, but rather wanted to make a quick buck by using information against someone. Also, while it does happen, I don't think shooting at people is the typical response to blackmail either, as most people know the legal ramifications for that are far more serious. Originally Posted by Pangolier
I agree, I don’t think was sex work related at all. This was just an extortion attempt gone very very wrong.

If he had planned to murder them, he would have shot them in the car Breaking Bad style. Something happened to set him off.
Dumbass. Invite them to his office, probably used his real phone and everything. I don't let these girls into my personal life at all!
Unfortunately this has everything to do with sex work. These young ladies were working for a pimp who has a documented history of having his girls run scams like this one that cost these two young ladies their lives.
slap's Avatar
  • slap
  • 07-29-2022, 12:25 AM
Nothing of value was lost
Pangolier's Avatar
Unfortunately this has everything to do with sex work. These young ladies were working for a pimp who has a documented history of having his girls run scams like this one that cost these two young ladies their lives. Originally Posted by Golden Man

How do you know this, and what is the name of the pimp? A scam is to take money from someone under false pretenses. Sex work is fucking for cash. These 2 things are not the same...
How do you know this, and what is the name of the pimp? A scam is to take money from someone under false pretenses. Sex work is fucking for cash. These 2 things are not the same... Originally Posted by Pangolier
It took me all of 1 minute of research on google, his name and alleged role was mentioned prominently during the trial. These young ladies were sex workers, unfortunately they were being pimped/managed by a guy who thought it was much more lucrative to run extortion scams. You can try to split hairs all you want, but it is what it was.