Speaking of football...

AmishGangster's Avatar
What the fuck is up with Cinci Bungles players and broken jaws?

First it as Hines Ward KOing Rivers


Now Terrance Garvin one ups him and not only breaks the punter Huber's jaw but CRACKS A VERTABREA!!!!!!!!


Yea the Steelers suck this year and the Bungles are going to the playoffs but at least there arent Steeler players dropping like flies with broken jaws from hits by WRs and 4th string LBs
bambino's Avatar
Harrison also left with a concussion. At least the Stillers haven't sold out like the Houston Texans. Losers.
AmishGangster's Avatar
Harrison also left with a concussion. At least the Stillers haven't sold out like the Houston Texans. Losers. Originally Posted by bambino
I think Harrison gave himself the concussion and it probably wasnt the first time he's done that. He might be an over the hill Bungle now but you gotta love the guy
FFH's Avatar
  • FFH
  • 12-17-2013, 10:52 AM
Bungles,Bungles,Bungles,Bungle s,Bungles,Bungles,Bungles,Bung les,Bungles,Bungles,Bungles,Bu ngles,Bungles,Bungles,Bungles, Bungles,Bungles,Bungles,Bungle s,Bungles,Bungles,Bungles

They never let me down for a good laugh
he's probably goig to get fined....the guy makes minimum money....it could cost him 20% of his pay....
if punters are considered defenseless they should get off the field or wave a white flag....