ok so YMMV

Guest091710's Avatar
so i've been drinking, but i feel entitled to say that that's total bs, my oral skills and my vagina never really vary, i've refrained from saying so before, but if You suck in a bad way don't expect to make a lawyers hourly wage, tired of hearing this bs. My reviews speak volumes, i openly admit, i don't have barbies body sadly, but my skills never vary. i dont even grasp the concept, if You cant deliver don't try. ive turned down so many bi sessions bc i cant, but at least i'm honest.
Okkkaaayyy.... not being rude but is there a point to what you wrote or did I miss something?
Wayward's Avatar
She can suck a dick LD. Likes it and took the time to get really good at it.

YMWV is more about, at least for me, those things that go beyond sexual basic skills, into the world of the sensual artisan. Which is what she is saying also.

In current board terms it too often means she is not that good BCD and the posters that gave her glowing reviews have neither the benchmark or the sophistication to know the difference. Some poor guy does see that this Emperoress is wearing no clothes but doesn't want to start any shit. It is an easy and polite out. Classic manpoosie, so sayest the fucking Prophet dearhunter.

Sometimes it means a great girl is having a bad day, the boy is having a bad day or everyone in the room had unrealistic expectations. Guys are visual, women thank the sweet gods of Odin are not. We get hung up on a photoshopped picture and something different opens the door, someone just got hit in the face with a YMWV 2x4.

Always a little truth at 3 AM.
"Ahhh, so" said the blind man. Wasn't sure if that was what she was referencing or some obtuse callout to some review I had missed.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
I'm with you on this. I don't think YMMV should even be accepted.

As you said, we are charging a attorneys hourly rate ... who the hell would go see a $200/hr attorney who admits YMMV!!!! No one!

I say we ban this YMMV crap! If your having a bad day ... suck it up (no pun intended).

The service level you provide for one client should be provided for all!!!!!!!!!!!!
srvfin's Avatar
The service level you provide for one client should be provided for all!!!!!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Well said..... Pass it around!
CivilBarrister's Avatar
Well Said WayWard (scary...I am agreeing with WayWard)

I agree that there should never be YMMV with MENU items. If BBBJ is on the menu, then so be it; don't be wrapping that little guy for a CBJ. If the lady has an issue with hygiene, order him into the shower.

OTOH, if a guy gets something that is not on the menu, Greek, BBBJ, substantial extra time, etc - then he should not put that in his review--if he does he is an IDIOT. He should count himself lucky and keep quiet. Most times guys can't help themselves from BRAGGING that they are soooo special, they got something other's purportedly don't.

And although this is an intimate service biz and sometimes things just don't click, when I hear that.....or read YMMV, I typically just take a pass. And POST that on the review so the provider can READ for herself how many guys don't appreciate the YMMV problem.

Seriously guys, Like Brooke said, we are paying BIG BUCKS for an HOUR....And as the Rat has said a few times, he works an entire day to net enough cash for one(1) session. This is an expensive hobby.

Other than when I just have to TOFTT because some picture caught my eye, I seek out providers with GLOWING reviews on their attitude as well as service level.

When I read....we didn't click or YMMV, I thank my lucky stars she didn't get to the top of my list.
Guest091710's Avatar
i was intoxicated yes, but im just tired of hearing about it, it isn't that complicated. i rec a buyers remorse text that kinda of sat the wrong way with me, from one of my reg who i couldn't see Yesterday. i guess he should have waited for my return. i think the waste of $ though is just wrong, if Your having a bad day, don't want to be there, then cancel, don't take someones hard earned $ then decide You don't really want the job.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
so i've been drinking, but i feel entitled to say that that's total bs, my oral skills and my vagina never really vary, i've refrained from saying so before, but if You suck in a bad way don't expect to make a lawyers hourly wage, tired of hearing this bs. My reviews speak volumes, i openly admit, i don't have barbies body sadly, but my skills never vary. i dont eve grasp the concept, if You cant deliver don't try. ive turned down so many bi sessions bc i cant, but at least i'm honest. Originally Posted by subcilla
I don't see this being for providers on top of their game. It's more for the BP or spa type of provider.

Let's be honest, I am sure there are some studly looking guys out there that get better sessions than the old fat guys, however on the other hand, I am sure some guys would rather session with some hot lady versus the girl next door looking provider.

Then again, I always preferred the girl next door, so what do I know?
CivilBarrister's Avatar
i was intoxicated yes, but im just tired of hearing about it, it isn't that complicated. i rec a buyers remorse text that kinda of sat the wrong way with me. i guess he should have waited for my return. i think the waste of $ though is just wrong, if Your having a bad day, don't want to be there, then cancel. Originally Posted by subcilla
That is a GREAT idea; but I just don't believe there is a provider in the world who is going to give up $. What I hear is the girl, at BEST will end the session with a big apology and a promise to make it up next time (which RARELY occurs)

I have had a few providers call me BEFORE the session to tell me they weren't feeling well and asked to reschedule. BUT that is very very rare.
Guest091710's Avatar
I don't see this being for providers on top of their game. It's more for the BP or spa type of provider.

Let's be honest, I am sure there are some studly looking guys out there that get better sessions than the old fat guys, however on the other hand, I am sure some guys would rather session with some hot lady versus the girl next door looking provider.

Then again, I always preferred the girl next door, so what do I know? Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
What im saying is this, Yes as Civil pointed out, this is a very personal intimate position. However that is not a excuse for poor service, AFTER You agree and AFTER You have been compensated.
Guest091710's Avatar
That is a GREAT idea; but I just don't believe there is a provider in the world who is going to give up $. What I hear is the girl, at BEST will end the session with a big apology and a promise to make it up next time (which RARELY occurs)

I have had a few providers call me BEFORE the session to tell me they weren't feeling well and asked to reschedule. BUT that is very very rare. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
i'm sorry ive turned down 5 sessions in 2 days bc of some personal relationship problems. Maybe not a genius to let a man ruin my finances, but at least im honest. i knew i wasn't up to it, i canceled, my reg went some place else, and pretty much got nothing for his $. Sad part is he isn't that hard to please, not hard on the eyes, and a total sweetheart, im pissed a little. If i had wanted him to get ripped off.... well i could of had the " lets just do it" attitude my own self.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
i'm sorry ive turned down 5 sessions in 2 days bc of some personal relationship problems. Maybe not a genius to let a man ruin my finances, but at least im honest. i knew i wasn't up to it, i canceled, my reg went some place else, and pretty much got nothing for his $. Sad part is he isn't that hard to please, not hard on the eyes, and a total sweetheart, im pissed a little. If i had wanted him to get ripped off.... well i could of have the " lets just do it" attitude my own self. Originally Posted by subcilla
I Absolutely believe you....and that is one of the many reasons you ALWAYS have great reviews.
carkido45's Avatar
Subcilla you are rare but there are providers here that do let you know their not up to it I'd rather they tell me than have a lousey time. This hobby isn't perfect and neither is anyone here. Hope you feel better.
Guest091710's Avatar
I Absolutely believe you....and that is one of the many reasons you ALWAYS have great reviews. Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
Thank You for saying so, i think its just the right thing to do. i must say my personal issues are not the sole reason i played hookie, lol. i have also been sick w a nasty cold. i really think though that if a lady doesn't feel she can do this and do it well then don't. Despite what conflicts might come up, i think a hobbiest would rather be told no, then walk away very unpleased. Brook Thank You for agreeing, i thought this morning there may be a dog pile on cilla of providers who disagree.
This is a wedding proposal, we're not committing to anything, its a job, a well paid one, for services rendered. i as well must admit to having a session i less then enjoyed. Not the point, the point is that client had no idea, and enjoyed the session.