Nikki Is The New RINO or Maybe Pocahontas or Maybe Incompetent

Just wondering what Trump and Trumpys will start calling her since she’s running for president.
bambino's Avatar
She’s a longtime RINO. And has no chance. But she’s actually from Indian descent. Just not Native American descent. Like Pocahontas.

You know Trump doesn’t know the difference.
Just wondering what Trump and Trumpys will start calling her since she’s running for president. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
The only way republicans lose this election is if the orange turd somehow makes it past her and Disantis.
bambino's Avatar
Nikki Haley will temp fate and try to make it across the Trump quicksand.
winn dixie's Avatar
Nikki is no rino!

Shes a true Republican that can get things done!
bambino's Avatar
Nikki Haley announces she’s running for president.

Who announces they’re running for POTUS, on a Tuesday, at 6:48am? ��

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bambino's Avatar
Nikki is no rino!

Shes a true Republican that can get things done! Originally Posted by winn dixie
What exactly is she good at?
winn dixie's Avatar
Running a business is not a requisite for Presidency. Many have not either and were good Presidents.
As far as not completing terms. She was asked to serve for an important position by a President. A job that she excelled at!

Nicky Haley and Tim Scott is a winning ticket.
bambino's Avatar
Running a business is not a requisite for Presidency. Many have not either and were good Presidents.
As far as not completing terms. She was asked to serve for an important position by a President. A job that she excelled at!

Nicky Haley and Tim Scott is a winning ticket. Originally Posted by winn dixie
She resigned her post as U.N. Ambassador after 2yrs. The bottom line is, she doesn’t have a chance.

Still, she’s not especially well-known among Republican primary voters, at least compared to Trump and two other potential 2024 contenders, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and former Vice President Mike Pence. And her net favorability is lower than Trump and DeSantis, although it is higher than Pence’s
Just wondering what Trump and Trumpys will start calling her since she’s running for president. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Wishful Thinking.
winn dixie's Avatar
Nikki Haley realized she needed to distance herself from trump. Thats a good thing.
And besides, what does being good at anything have to do with running for President? ..... Biden is the biggest fuckup the world has ever seen and he's been in politics for 40 years .....
bambino's Avatar
Nikki Haley realized she needed to distance herself from trump. Thats a good thing. Originally Posted by winn dixie
Well buddy, she’s a career politician. She goes which way the wind blows. Yeah, she dissed Trump the first time she ran against him. He trounced her and 16 others. So then she starts licking his balls and ass. He throws her a bone and makes her UN Ambassador. Plum job for her. She resigns two years into her term and promptly starts bashing him again. Big mistake on her part. The NEW Republican Party turned on her. She might as well be Liz Cheney. She’s toast. Presently, she’s polling at 3%. Pence, Pompeo aren’t doing much better and Desantis is at 26%. Trumps at 59%, more than the others combined.

You might not like Trump, but he’s clearly far ahead of the wannabes. Either you’re America First as a Republican candidate or you’re toast. That’s reality now. Get on board or enjoy the Tranny Republic we are now living in!!!!!
... Should we tell 'em, Bambino?

Why not? .... Reckon I'll just tell the tattle...

President Trump told Nikki to run. ... She's mentioned that already.

THAT fact should be all you lads need to know. ...

... TRUMP 2024...

#### Salty