CHL and Hobbying

You guys with CHL's, do you carry when going on a date? I never have, but with some of the CL girls starting to look good to me, I might want to start.
I do not carry when hobbying. It is a very bad idea. If you are caught by LE while at an AMP/Studio/Incall then you are already in a bad spot. Add a handgun to the equation, and things will get x10 worse.

Best thing to do is stick with well known providers.
I am a CHL holder and Ron makes a great point. The risks are high already but with a gun "the hits just keep on coming."

I am going to give you a couple items of advise...maybe unwanted but they are in your best interest.

1. Stick with verfied well reviewed providers, we have lots here. CL is a crap shoot
2. Leave your gun at home.
I guess I am getting a little too adventurous. I have seen may well known providers, but nobody close to N FW that I am interested in.

I figured that would be the answer.

Thanks guys
uncle buck 50's Avatar
Nobody carries more than me, but with all due respect--if you feel you have to have your pistol in order to have fun with your're probably lookin' in the wrong places!

Lots of fun to be had in Fw and the mid-cities without getting shot at, amigo!
WOW! My sentiments exactly! If you feel the need to carry any weapon other than your personal "loaded gun", then you are REALLY going to the wrong places! That just seems a bit too much for me.

If you don't see anyone you are "interested in" in your area, I would consider driving a little further before I would pick a place where I'd feel the need to carry a weapon.

Good luck to you, darlin', I wish you all the best. Be safe whatever you do!

Pistolero's Avatar
Alway carry my single shot derringer !
I have been mulling this over for a number of weeks due to a couple of sketchy situations I've been in as of late... for me it would not be so much bringing it to the date because I'm afraid of who's behind the door, but between my door and their door... anything can happen and some providers are not in the best of neighborhoods. I have not yet nor do I plan on doing this right away but it's certain something worth thinking about. If you're CHL'd and in the situation where you're caught... 2 things are going for you, you're LICENSED to carry the weapon and you're not in PUBLIC anyway (unless you're SW trollin) so I wouldn't worry too much if it were me....
Im an Aikido practitioner in a privately owned facility. It's not your typical Aikido either there is a real emphasis on street techniques such as hand gun and knife attacks. Part of the testing to move from one belt to another timed attacks with an actual opponent with mock pistols and knives.

I'm no bada$$ but im not a target either