What we can expect from Hillary Clinton.

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If Hillary Clinton becomes the President of the United States in January there are some things that are clearly going to happen based on her words and track history;

We will immediately get a liberal Supreme Court with not just one nominee but two, and likely three liberal picks. This will impact us on gun rights, abortion restrictions, free speech, voter fraud, workers rights (as the Unions become all powerful), and the freedom to associate as we see fit (Tea Party, etc.) You can expect every kook to come out of the woodwork with some cause that they hope will get to the Supreme Court like transgender bathrooms, locker rooms, and showers. Your guns will have to be locked away 24 hours a day and the police will want to be able to check them at will.

You will get a foreign policy that makes Libya look like a master plan of success. Even more than Obama, the US will lurch from one disastor to the other with Bill holding out his hand for more money. The promise of freedom will go to the highest bidder.

Hillary will completely succeed in turning our military into the kind of thing that serves drinks at a Clinton function. Like her husband did, our men and women will turn in their weapons and become the Red Cross and like Bill and Hillary, their lives will mean next to nothing because as Hillary once said, "they volunteered for this".

The IRS will get more powerful and with less control, ditto the EPA, Homeland Security, and the Federal Policing powers. Nothing that we do will get by unscrutinized by the federal government.

Like Bill did in the 90s, the Justice department will by overstocked with radical liberals and Clinton sycophants so Chelsea can take her place in government. We will be up to our ears in Clinto cronies like Epstein, Emmanuel (both of them), Podesta, Blumenthal, etc.

Obamacare is not going away but the death panels will be coming (Ezekial Emmanual is a huge proponent of death panels) as well as limited health care for the most vulnerable among us.

Hillary may as well establish an agency of propaganda as we won't know what is an outright lie and what may have some truth in it.