Hobby and Friends?

  • !VI!
  • 08-22-2015, 08:43 AM
Hey Everyone,

I've been a bit conflicted about some things lately in terms of etiquette...

I LOVE making new friends, especially ones i can sleep with... but i've been told by so many people don't mix business with pleasure or "don't fuck your money". Especially since i play a whole lote of MOBA's online games etc., attending comic/anime conventions.

To me that seems odd all things considering,

So in reality

When is it ok to become real friends with Clients/Providers?
should you just avoid all together?
Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
Anything in a relationship is okay as long as both parties understand the nature of the relationship, and their expectations are set accordingly. Once a client becomes an FWB, he can't go back to being a client again. On the other hand, (of course, as a client, I'd say this) there's nothing wrong with occasionally expressing gratitude or even friendship toward a guy in the way he would most like it to be expressed -- as long as he's aware that it's back to business as usual next time.

The caveat, as I said, is that both parties have to understand the nature of the relationship, and each visit. The risk is that at some point that the understanding will no longer hold, that one party expects something different from the other party. And the risk in that is a breakup which can have emotional, physical, financial, and personal repercussions.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
  • !VI!
  • 08-22-2015, 09:39 AM

. Originally Posted by threepeckeredbillygoat
you know you didn't have to respond at all right?

lol you can still never get it :P
!!Sexy Erotic Morgan's Avatar
Do you mean free sex? I think a guy will do all he can to get if it's what he wants. I wouldn't fall for it girl. Keep business and personal separate. If you really, really like a guy it's ok to spend a little extra time with him, but free sex is out of the question. Not blurring the line will actually be better for your relationship with the client. I know it can be tempting, but it won't work out for you in the end.
Do you mean free sex? I think a guy will do all he can to get if it's what he wants. I wouldn't fall for it girl. Keep business and personal separate. If you really, really like a guy it's ok to spend a little extra time with him, but free sex is out of the question. Not blurring the line will actually be better for your relationship with the client. I know it can be tempting, but it won't work out for you in the end. Originally Posted by !!Sexy Erotic Morgan
I couldn't have said it better sexy girl. Keep those boundaries in place. Otherwise, it makes for complicated and crazy. That's not fun on any level.
TheEccie214's Avatar
Listen to these girls Vi, won't be long after you're "friends" he'll be expecting free sex because you're "friends" or worse yet, he starts to fall in love. Everyone talks about the dangers of falling in love with a hooker but the guys on this site are not the most normal of society either.
There is nothing wrong with making friends. As a bit of a gamer myself, i enjoy meeting new people in that endeavor. Personally, i see no problem being friends with a provider assuming a few things. First, i would'nt want to be pressured or expected to book a session. Your work is your work, and it should be completely up to me to decide if i want to partake. Secondly, if the relationship moved into a FWB situation, I would not be comfortable switching to being a client. It would just become awkward and confusing tryng to determine whether subsequent interactions were for business or pleasure. If we have some off the clock fun, and both enjoy it, then pardon my possible vanity, but I should'nt have to switch to paying for it.

Just my 2 cents. Others may have different views. Ultimately, I think a good friend is more valuable than a client or a provider.
TexasDave555's Avatar
It all comes down to the people involved. If you run into someone you want to be friends with, you have to decide if you wanna fuck em or not. If you don't, the line is pretty clear and you can be friends and pals... etc just platonic. If you decide you want to fuck them, then IMO the best way to approach it would be that they are an intimate friend now.... and no longer a client. You can't have it both ways, it gets too confusing and that is when trouble starts. So until the friendship ends or one or the other party decides they no longer wanna fuck each other, its your standard fuck buddy arrangement or dating scenario. As far as fallin in love etc.... you run that risk with any intimate relationship short of a one-nighter... so that is no different than civilian dating or even the risks you run with being someones ATF.
  • !VI!
  • 08-22-2015, 11:08 AM
thanks <3

it's been somethin i have thought about for a while, i meet some really cool guys, and no and then im just horny... like i don't want you money i want your body, but then it comes down to can i keep buisness buisness.

I don't really want sex to be all buisness all the time, because eventually it will become a job.... and i already have one of those.

Thanks for all the helpful insite
  • Gbfsl
  • 08-22-2015, 12:58 PM
Since you are posting here on an escort site, where the entire reason people, both providers and clients, are here is to meet people to exchange money for sex, then, unfortunately, this is a "job" for you. You are here to provide a service for money. That makes it a job. It is important you not use this site as a match-maker, date site. You will end up gravely disappointed.

Nothing wrong with developing friendships with your clients. By doing so, you can develop some nice chemistry that enhances the meetings you have. I have many, many friends I have met here. I have had a few very close relationships that have developed, but most have not survived. As K4U stated, always keep it in perspective or it can get crazy and complicated. Eventually you may loose the "fun factor" which is why you got started in the first place.
So best advice for you is to keep the people you meet here as just that. People looking to exchange money for sex. Look for your other, non-job related sexual partners in the real world, not here.
Iaintliein's Avatar
Just pick your friends wisely (same as in the civilian world). Someone mature enough to be on good terms but realize business is business would be fine, someone a little unstable and thinking it's "love", not so good.

Then there is the distinction between friends and friendly acquaintances, both require mutual respect and usually a shared interest, but a friendly acquaintance won't ask to crash on the couch.

It can work. I know this from experience.

The key is you can't be a jealous person. If you have any jealousy at all in you then don't do it. If your not the jealous type and they aren't either then it can work.

FUCK YA!!!!!!!!!
plove35's Avatar
Once you "become" friends this hobby losses it gusto. I am friendly, but do not want to be friends. Mostly because of the SO.

now if the hobbyist is single , I can see the lure of being friends but that could easily turn into the dreaded "im in love with you, so stop providing" area

Tyrion knows best!