Nicole Cox ghosted at the last minute

Date: 8/26/15
Provider: Nicole Cox
Phone: 817-523-1586
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: North Dallas, Tollway area
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: NONE
Session Length: 60 min
Fee: 475
Hair Length and Color: NA
Age: NA
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: If we actually got to meet her, then I'd be able to tell you guys.
The Rest of the Story: Contacted Nicole for a couples session for me and my girl. She agreed and said she does like couples. Screened us with Andria Chase. Great communication via text leading up to incall, she even sent us her address at exactly one hour before. We got there about 5 min early and then nothing. We waited in the lot for almost 30 minutes, calling and texting and she never got back to me. My girl texted her from her phone and it took a while but Nicole replied to her. She told her that we were her 2pm incall and Nicole went silent again. Just dumbfounded, man.
Recommendation: No
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
WOW...that is just plain disrespectful. Sorry that happened to you.
Yeah, it definitely sucked but luckily Selena ( was available on very short notice. She showed up to her incall within 30 minutes. Really glad she did bc who knows when the stars will align and my gf will want to do another threesome, LOL. Working on her review now.
I'm glad you found someone and Selena at that. Maybe you lucked out actually.

That is really strange to just not respond on purpose though.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Yeah...I can't figure out why she would do that.
It was really unexpected. She's got good reviews. Heck I even sent her a photo of us after we got screened. It was all systems go until it wasn't :-/
doug_dfw's Avatar
Or something freaked her out.
It would be great to see what her side of this story is, but maybe she is avoiding the drama here that would undoubtedly cause. You were right to post this thread, Q and A. Pretty sure Nikki has seen it as she has posted on a couple of ISO requests since this thread has opened.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
Actually I just saw it. Selena is a wonderful provider and I'm glad that she was able to take care of you. I've known her a long time and I've worked with her. I'm sure you had a blast with her...
Moving on;
Correct, I'm not about to get involved in any drama nor am I going to get involved with any "he said she said".
fact of the matter is your appointment was at 2 o'clock. We'd been speaking since the night before. I made it clear what I would need in order for me to see you. you did not provide me your name until 12:56...with your appointment 1 HR and 4 min away. I invested a lot of time into screening you and even made it a point to tell you that I did not have any more time to invest in it.

Because you're not the only client I spoke to that day
nor the only client I was planning on seeing
Nor the only client I was screening at the time. By the time I FINALLY got your names and got a chance to look into it..

I made the decision based on who you are and what I was able to pull up in my researching. FACT of the matter is.. .you are in a parking lot while I was reading up on you and was wrestling with the idea I finally came to the conclusion that it wasn't worth the risk.
as a matter of fact while I was reading...I was requested to do a double by somebody that supplied all their information up front in a timely manner.
I was bothered so much by the situation that I even asked the other provider at the double what their opinion was on the situation and if they thought I should post something concerning it.

ultimately I decided not to post concerning it because I thought it would create more gossip than anything and there was really no way for me to post anything about it without disclosing who you are.

So there's your answer. I'm not going to tell anybody how to run theirs. Nor am I in any way obligated to provide reasons or justifications for what I do over here. HENCE: INDEPENDENT
Disrespectful?? No. I'm not Not at all. And I'm not in the business of rebuking meddling instigating providers that have called themselves up out their position.
Y'all have a good day dissecting this and critiquing it. I'm done with it I don't have as much spare time on my hands as obviously some of you do.

Kisses, Hugs & Boobs,
Nicole C.
A provider should never meet with anyone they aren't comfortable with however you should've never made the appointment and given out your address if you weren't ready to go forward with the session. That was pretty rude to just let the guy sit in a parking lot and completely blow him off. You've been around long enough to know that.
Well, we got her side, which is good, and, unlike a he said/she said game that many threads are in Alerts and NCNS's, both have the same story. She had every right not to see you after she was convinced by her screening not to. The only thing that would she could have done better was telling you that she was not comfortable in seeing the OP to him instead of going radio silent.
Kayleehotchick's Avatar
Okay.......A quick text telling him that you changed your mind would have been the mature and professional way to handle things.

Also, why give him your address before him giving you his name?

You have every right to back out of apt but by your own posting, it is very clear you handled it very poorly.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
A provider should never meet with anyone they aren't comfortable with however you should've never made the appointment and given out your address if you weren't ready to go forward with the session. That was pretty rude to just let the guy sit in a parking lot and completely blow him off. You've been around long enough to know that. Originally Posted by Ass Hunter
Look y'all are pretty funny bunch. I've been around long enough to know that the reputation you create will follow you. and I have no problem telling somebody that I'm not going to see them. If I feel like somebody is a cop OR maybe a, freelance writer, for instance. Then I weigh the two and decide. And quite frankly I could care less on how Kaylee feels it was handled. SO IM RUDE. . I've been around long enough to know that I can pick and choose my clients I don't base anything about myself off of other providers what they think and how they do their business and for the most part I'm the most easy going person.
I understand. .Writers need love too... just not mine. I've got too much to lose and not enough to gain.
my address being given out. I will research a client down to the very last minute before they walk through my door just to make sure I haven't missed can never be too careful. like I said before...I don't tell anybody else how to handle theirs. and this over here ain't yours to run.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-28-2015, 01:02 PM
I didn't know providers require names and look up information on you? Imagine if we all did our research on providers who require it the same. No pussy is worth giving up rw information.

Nicole Cox was sloppy, screwed up and now comes in here with I don't have time crap, apologize to the op for making them sit at the incall and move on.
Nicole Cox's Avatar
No. why don't you apologize to them so you can be the subject of her next blog. and yes an alternative to having references is giving your name and when potential client shows up I can parrots to their I compare it to their ID.