SA girls

Ive found that SA is a gold mine when searching for some fun. With that said, out of the 8 or so SA ladies Ive seen. Only 1 proposed condom usage. The others would have bare backed it I didnt suggest condom usage. Why do you think this is tge case?
My first guess would be..

Trying to land a well off baby daddy.
  • qldy
  • 04-21-2017, 07:03 AM
A few of the pros in my area will go raw if you don't suit up. One that is reviewed a lot on here will, just saying...
It's a not very well kept secret that a lot of girls will allow that sort of thing,
usually ones with other needs who can be coerced into doing whatever so they can get their "donation"

I personally am a bit taken aback by the number of gentlemen who not only will do bb but actively seek it out.

BB killed Schwarzenegger's marriage.

18 years gentlemen.
cabot's Avatar
  • cabot
  • 04-21-2017, 10:20 AM
I think 'coerced' is way to strong a word.

It's getting more and more common for girls not even to have condoms available in their hotel rooms (regular provider types). Then when the moment happens, they ask if you brought one, while proceeding as if they don't care. Then there are the outright 'don't worry, im clean' statements on a regular basis.

I'm surprised st SA girls also-I figured the younger generation would be more accustomed to using condoms. Apparently not. Most of the time, there's a fake hesitation waiting to see if you care-if you don't pull out a rubber, they just press on.

I wonder if it's because the mass comments and hysteria about AIDS has diminished? Twenty years ago, it was everywhere-and you could get the impressiont there was a 50/50 chance of dying a horrible death from that single encounter. With that threat receding, and pregnancy able to be controlled in other ways- maybe younger girls just view it differently?

I don't know-but I think the trend carries over to providers, not just SA GIRLS.
We must have very different SA targets. Most SA girls I met are keen on condom usage.
Yet to meet one that doesn't want BBFS
I think 'coerced' is way to strong a word. Originally Posted by cabot
It probably is too strong a word, I agree.
I just know how many times I've personally been asked for it, even from fellows I'd known a while who think once they get to know you well it should be cool..
Quite frankly it amazes me they want to take that risk?

I figured the younger generation would be more accustomed to using condoms. Apparently not. Most of the time, there's a fake hesitation waiting to see if you care-if you don't pull out a rubber, they just press on.

I wonder if it's because the mass comments and hysteria about AIDS has diminished? Twenty years ago, it was everywhere-and you could get the impressiont there was a 50/50 chance of dying a horrible death from that single encounter. With that threat receding, and pregnancy able to be controlled in other ways- maybe younger girls just view it differently Originally Posted by cabot
It seems to be quite prevalent in a lot of different "lifestyles" not just P4P.
And I agree that it may be due to the fact that people are now living long healthy lives with AIDS thanks to the daily cocktail of meds.
That is, If you can afford them.
Never had a SA girl ever suggest a condom. A lot of the SA girls aren't that active. They just do it for the extra cash working out of their apartments/homes. Perhaps because of low-volume they feel safer. Who knows?
Never had a SA girl ever suggest a condom. A lot of the SA girls aren't that active. They just do it for the extra cash working out of their apartments/homes. Perhaps because of low-volume they feel safer. Who knows? Originally Posted by glenshaw
If they knew how many of you guys are high volume though.....
Or just get a blowjob?? Lol....but I agree with jinny!
I'm on SA to find the girl that is not high volume and I can have bb with. I'm not a condom fan. The only thing I typically want from a provider is a bj.
One SA girl asked me for a copy of my STD test results. She backed off the next day on it though. Considered getting it anyway so that she might be comfortable with BB. I want to have intercourse without a condom, but I don't trust any providers or most SA girls.
You guys ever consider the Femi-Dom?
It goes in her and not on you, most gents who don't like the feel of condoms well, they really love these.
Only downside is their not as spontaneous as a condom..takes a lil more time to insert.
cabot's Avatar
  • cabot
  • 04-24-2017, 06:15 AM
I (don't think) I've ever used these. How
Long does it take to insert? How does it feel for the girl? (I know plenty of girls don't like the feel of latex either).

I imagine they're more expensive and s bother-so girls don't like to use them? It seems like if it felt like bateback, a girl would be able to charge a premium for a 'safer' BB experience..