First contacts.

  • Dlh
  • 05-06-2017, 08:12 PM
So I am having zero luck setting up meets. I try to text a day before say hello... say I will be in the area tomorrow or soon and I would like to talk. But I either get a hey.. or no reply... or 2 days later a hello.. some don't get back at all. Most are all reviewed well. ... what am I doing wrong? What works for you? P.m. if u don't want to make public... I also get its part of the game but fuck. I have better luck at the local watering hole.... it's just to small of town and people can't keep there mouths shut. So I can't go with bar scene easily... thanks in advance!
welcome to the world of hobbying! It's really a crap shoot. Text, wait, reply, wait. I've found it most useful (not foolproof) to send a message quickly after an ad has been posted or while they're online. We can't imagine the amount of messages and texts these girls get, so unless you're the latest, chances are you'll get lost in the shuffle. Once you get their attention, don't lose it! Setting up appointment 12+ hours out rarely comes to fruition for me.
  • Dlh
  • 05-07-2017, 08:22 AM
Hey thanks. Ya i am wasting so much time on the phone but i only have small windows i can see them...
berryberry's Avatar
If you are dealing with BP providers, scratch the advance planning. Text them when you are ready to see them. Not the most organized bunch - so trying to schedule something even a day in advance is a challenge.
Yeah it can be frustrating. Always go with a backup plan girl just in case.