I mean WTF??????

Big Stig's Avatar
Oh baby! I just threw up in my mouth a little bit.
https://candy.com.pittsburgh.escortb...post/21677660/ Originally Posted by wesmantooth
More like Taffy per se.
She's built like a brick shithouse.
I love it when they put things in the ad like "pics are real." No shit. Who'd fake that shit?
TheEccie214's Avatar
Good side is she's got to be low volume...not by choice of course.
xxbuzzkillxx's Avatar
At least she doesn't need a bag, being in the same room would make you go blind.
A refrigerator with a head! Nice!
Anthosaurus's Avatar
A refrigerator with a head! Nice! Originally Posted by the operater
DaBigJagov's Avatar
She's built like a brick shithouse. Originally Posted by GloccaMorra

More like a shitty brick house. Normally, I enjoy the bizarre types, but this one is even too much for me. Although, depending on what she charges......
  • ron32
  • 05-18-2017, 06:21 AM
I am sure that someone somewhere would be drunk enough to pay to hit that, lmao. Next thing you know she will be on SA or TOS wanting 300 a pop.
DaBigJagov's Avatar
I am sure that someone somewhere would be drunk enough to pay to hit that, lmao. Next thing you know she will be on SA or TOS wanting 300 a pop. Originally Posted by ron32

Sure, you are probably right. Trisomy 21 is an up and coming fetish.
AmishGangster's Avatar
If BSer had a little sister that would be her
If BSer had a little sister that would be her Originally Posted by AmishGangster
Now my curiosity is tempting to look at the pic on the other side of the link, but I've lost a few lunches that way....