More of the same shit from Obama

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Obama came out yesterday with a new and improved offer to the GOP. He wants to reduce the corporate tax to 25% from 39%...for some businesses. This offer is not for all businesses even though Obama admits now (he would not admit this in 2008) that cutting this tax will raise revenue and help businesses create jobs. He wants this only for "manufacturing" firms whereas the others corporations (McDonalds, Google, and Macy's for example) will pay 28%. Why are some jobs or businesses more special than others? You know that small businesses employ the most people in this country? You don't? Well it is true and Obama has not forgotten them. He wants them to pay 40% on their taxes. 40%!!! This is the corporate tax. The owner is probably paying a 39% personal tax rate already.

Lets think about this. If Obama admits what we have known since JFK that cutting the corporate tax rate creates jobs then why not drop the tax rate to 25% for everyone? The U.S. has one of the highest corporate tax rates in the world and the highest in a western democracy. Anyone care to explain this disparity? Why would Obama not want jobs created?

This is Obama and like the devil there is a price for his generousity. Obama wants to use the additional revenue (understand, Obama admits that tax cuts create revenue) for more spending. Spending on some more of those shovel ready jobs fixing the infrastructure. Didn't we do this five years ago? What happened to that money? No, Obama wants to spend it on unions and government programs.

So we know that tax cuts create jobs and increases revenue (Obama said so). Why not lower everybody's taxes and create more jobs and revenue? How about some of you intellectuals on the left explain this?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-31-2013, 09:35 AM
So we know that tax cuts create jobs and increases revenue (Obama said so). Why not lower everybody's taxes and create more jobs and revenue? How about some of you intellectuals on the left explain this.

tax cuts tax cuts tax cuts ... we should be swimming in revenue and jobs right now

either Obama is an idiot or you cherry picked the proposal and you're an idiot too. I say both.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
That made absolutely no sense. Try harder...I believe in you.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-31-2013, 09:41 AM
That made absolutely no sense. Try harder...I believe in you.
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
that's because you have NO comprehension skills no matter how hard you try.
After the Bush tax cuts that were extended we should be ass deep in jobs. What happened???
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You mean the Obama tax cuts for the rich? Obama signed off on them and that is what your ilk called them. What was the corporate tax then? The Bush tax cuts were for people and now we're talking about something completey different; corporate tax cuts. Bet you didn't know that? One stimulates an economy and the other has the effect of creating jobs. Too bad the stimulation happened back in 2005 and 2006. Do you need a program to keep all the different ideas separate?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-31-2013, 11:40 AM
You mean the Obama tax cuts for the rich? Obama signed off on them and that is what your ilk called them. What was the corporate tax then? The Bush tax cuts were for people and now we're talking about something completey different; corporate tax cuts. Bet you didn't know that? One stimulates an economy and the other has the effect of creating jobs. Too bad the stimulation happened back in 2005 and 2006. Do you need a program to keep all the different ideas separate? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
not apples to apples ...

select corporate tax cuts .. Obie

individual cuts for taxpayers across the board ... W

try and figure it out.
Obama will say different things depending on which group he is talking to.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 07-31-2013, 03:56 PM
Obama will say different things depending on which group he is talking to. Originally Posted by satexasguy

so would you if you were talking to corporations and not individual tax payers ...

wouldn't you?
Don't think Romney was talking to the 47% was he? Or did he.
More of the same shit from Obama Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
JD Idiot, give it a rest! You are going to live with Obama for another 3+ years.

Eat your heart out!
You mean the Obama tax cuts for the rich? Obama signed off on them and that is what your ilk called them. What was the corporate tax then? The Bush tax cuts were for people and now we're talking about something completey different; corporate tax cuts. Bet you didn't know that? One stimulates an economy and the other has the effect of creating jobs. Too bad the stimulation happened back in 2005 and 2006. Do you need a program to keep all the different ideas separate? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Naw, he means the tax cuts in place when the economy crashed. You know, the ones passed after Shrub became president. You braindead asshat.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
I mean the tax cuts that Obama signed off on. The same tax cuts that gave us this roaring 1.7% growth economy. Of course last month it was adjusted down to 1.1%.

I see that CJ understands but doesn't except the reality.
Cutting taxes will not raise revenue. That's called supply side economics, authored by Reagan's OMB man David Stockman. Stockman now claims the theory isn't true. George H Bush claimed it was voodoo economics which has proven to be true. If lowering taxes increases revenue, why did the deficient explode when George W lowered taxes. His dad was correct, it's VOODOO economics!
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Actually it is accepted fact TX. JFK cut taxes to grow the economy and Nixon raised taxes to tamp down the economy (to slow inflation). Reagn cut taxes and we got 20 million jobs, an average growth rate of 5%, and unemployment to go from 11% to 6%. Yeah, that's pretty bad stuff. Finally Obama admits publically that cutting taxes increases revenue. You don't want to argue with your god do you? DO YOU?