At Least One Year Asylum for Snowden

I don't get it.
The information was clearly classified.
He worked in a SECRET area.
He took an oath to protect American secrets.
He handed out the classified information.

Snowden should be tried, convicted and hung as a traitor.

Old Dingus

US officials fume over Russia granting asylum to Snowden

Published August 01, 2013

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The White House and U.S. lawmakers fumed Thursday after NSA leaker Edward Snowden entered Russia on temporary refugee status, a decision that threw into question the future of U.S.-Russia ties.
"If these reports are accurate, Americans in Washington should consider this a game changer in our relationship with Russia," Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., said in a statement, calling Russia's decision "provocative" and "a sign of Vladimir Putin's clear lack of respect for President Obama."
White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, asked at the daily briefing about the move, said it "undermines" law enforcement cooperation between the U.S. and Russia and reiterated the call for him to be returned to the U.S.
"We are extremely disappointed that the Russian government would take this step," Carney said. Carney said the White House is re-evaluating whether a planned fall summit at the G-20 in St. Petersburg with President Obama and Russian President Vladimir Putin should still occur. Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., going further, suggested the G-20 summit be moved entirely over this incident.
A U.S. official also told Fox News that scheduled talks with Secretary of State John Kerry and Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel, and their Russian counterparts, are now "up in the air."
Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., called the decision by Russia a "slap in the face of all Americans." Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Robert Menendez, D-N.J., called the development a "setback to U.S.-Russia relations."
Earlier Thursday, Snowden's representatives said he had been issued papers that allowed him to leave Moscow's Sheremetyevo airport, where he was stuck since his arrival from Hong Kong on June 23. He apparently has been given a one-year temporary asylum.
WikiLeaks, the anti-secrecy group that is supporting Snowden, also confirmed the details of Snowden's departure on its Twitter page, claiming Snowden "successfully acquired refugee status in Russia." In a statement on the group's website, it reported that Snowden thanked the Russian government for accepting his request.
The development comes more than a month after Snowden arrived at the Moscow airport from Hong Kong, and was effectively marooned in the airport's transit zone while he and his supporters tried to sway a number of countries to accept his petition for refugee status.
Snowden has petitioned several Latin American countries hostile to the U.S. -- including Venezuela -- to take him in. However, the logistics of reaching any of those countries are complicated because his U.S. passport has been revoked.
Meanwhile, Russia has refused to grant requests from the Obama administration to hand over Snowden to face federal charges.
While Snowden was holed up in the transit zone at the Moscow airport, he continued to leak U.S. secrets to the media. In the most recent report based on Snowden's documents, The Guardian reported on Wednesday on an NSA program that allegedly allows analysts to scour emails, browsing histories and online chats.
But Russian President Vladimir Putin had said that Snowden could receive asylum in Russia on the condition he stops leaking U.S. secrets. Snowden lawyer Anatoly Kucherena has said Snowden accepted the condition. Kucherena said the material cited in The Guardian newspaper article was provided before Snowden promised to stop leaking.
The Snowden case has further strained U.S.-Russian ties already tense amid differences over Syria, U.S. criticism of Russia's human rights record and other issues.
Snowden's father said in remarks broadcast Wednesday on a Russian television that he would like to visit his son. Kucherena said he is arranging the trip.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

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CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2013, 03:25 PM
I don't get it either.
That's Putin telling the President of The United States to kiss his ass.
Good grief. This should be the hottest thread on the Site. And just two responses.

The President-Premier-Dictator of Russia just told the President of The United States to go fuck himself.

Jimmy Carter must be rejoicing. He is moving up a notch.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2013, 05:15 PM
Good grief. This should be the hottest thread on the Site. And just two responses.

The President-Premier-Dictator of Russia just told the President of The United States to go fuck himself.

Jimmy Carter must be rejoicing. He is moving up a notch. Originally Posted by Jackie S
nothing new for Russian Dictators to tell US Presidents to go hug a nut..

the thread is about Snowden not Putin/Obama ... as many fucktards here that think Snowden is a fucking hero explains why the responses are limited.
nothing new for Russian Dictators to tell US Presidents to go hug a nut..

the thread is about Snowden not Putin/Obama ... as many fucktards here that think Snowden is a fucking hero explains why the responses are limited. Originally Posted by CJ7
Snowden is nothing but a two bit punk spoiled brat who thinks that international affairs are a video game. Well, I still say he only has one future, Leavenworth or a bullet in the back of the head.

What does this dipshit think is going to happen when Russia, ie Putin, feels like his role as a useful idiot has run it's course?

And I disagree. The entire world is watching. It is about Putin/Obama, National pride, and who has the upper hand and strength in the 21st century.

Muslim terrorist are watching. They are like Jackels, they sense weakness and will pounce at the opportune moment.
Obama couldn't get Hong Kong (who we have an extradition treaty with) to hand him over; and Obama can't get Putin to hand him over..........

I would say Obama looks like a fool.....................
Everyone forgets who Putin is. Once you are at that level in the KBG, you have free run to do anything. He knows how weak the US has become and is having a field day at it.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2013, 06:35 PM
Everyone forgets who Putin is. Once you are at that level in the KBG, you have free run to do anything. He knows how weak the US has become and is having a field day at it. Originally Posted by JBravo

And I disagree. The entire world is watching. It is about Putin/Obama, National pride, and who has the upper hand and strength in the 21st century

sure the world is watching, but this thread is still about Snowden Traitor Scumbag and not Obama/Putin/Wrold
rodog44's Avatar
nothing new for Russian Dictators to tell US Presidents to go hug a nut..

the thread is about Snowden not Putin/Obama ... as many fucktards here that think Snowden is a fucking hero explains why the responses are limited. Originally Posted by CJ7
So our idiot president wont meet with Putin one on one in Moscow because of Snowden. Like "hey Vlad I'm not comming over to your house to play anymore". What a fucking joke. Everybody that voted for this fool should hang their head in shame.
JCM800's Avatar
so now that he has been granted asylum in Russia for one year, what does he do for work? how does he pay his way over there? ....surely the fuckhead doesn't still have access to his US accounts.

does Putin put him to work?
RedLeg505's Avatar
this thread is still about Snowden Traitor Scumbag and not Obama/Putin/Wrold Originally Posted by CJ7
Its hilarious to watch liberals that were all about whistle-blowing and taking on "the man" and fighting against that horrible intrusive government that had everyone under surveillance during the 60's and 70's with the Pentagon Papers et all, suddenly sounding like Conservatives who called Daniel Ellsworth "a traitor scumbag".

Absolutely hilarious.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-01-2013, 09:25 PM
Its hilarious to watch liberals that were all about whistle-blowing and taking on "the man" and fighting against that horrible intrusive government that had everyone under surveillance during the 60's and 70's with the Pentagon Papers et all, suddenly sounding like Conservatives who called Daniel Ellsworth "a traitor scumbag".

Absolutely hilarious. Originally Posted by RedLeg505
even funnier when an idiot calls a registered independent a liberal, and the independent, me, has been calling Snowden a fucking traitor since day 1.

redleg eh ?

is that symbolic for the Missouri thugs that raped and killed innocent people, or republicans that blow cock in bus stations and bomb innocent people ?
I B Hankering's Avatar
even funnier when an idiot calls a registered independent a liberal, and the independent, me, has been calling Snowden a fucking traitor since day 1.

redleg eh ?

is that symbolic for the Missouri thugs that raped and killed innocent people, or republicans that blow cock in bus stations and bomb innocent people ? Originally Posted by CJ7
"Red Legs" were pro-Union Jayhawkers (Kansans), CBJ7. Go back to school -- or re-watch The Outlaw Josey Wales, you nincompoop!
That's Putin telling the President of The United States to kiss his ass. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Uhhhh, for all practical purposes Khrushchev told JFK to "kiss his ass" during the Cuban Missle Crisis.

How did that work out for Nikita?